
List: Notes

Just for practice. Since this is the first list I've created for Japanese learning, I don't think it's gonna be that organized. Let's try our best!

List: Notes
Just for practice. Since this is the first list I've created for Japanese learning, I don't think it's gonna be that organized. Let's try our best!
Number of entries
Creation date
10 December 2023 - 06:08
Last updated
10 March 2024 - 13:56
Showing 131 - 140 of 173 words for the list Notes.

Wordpopular  irregular okurigana  JLPT N5  noun  noun (generic)  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  adjective (generic) 

  • back, behind, rear

Wordpopular  JLPT N5  noun  noun (generic)  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  adjective (generic)  noun (prefix) 

  • below, down, under, younger (e.g. daughter)
  • bottom
  • beneath, underneath
  • just after, right after
  • inferiority, one's inferior (i.e. one's junior)
  • trade-in
  • preliminary, preparatory

Wordpopular  obsolete reading  obsolete kanji  JLPT N5  usually written using kana alone  pronoun 

  • where, what place
  • how much (long, far), what extent

Wordpopular  JLPT N5  noun  noun (generic)  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  adjective (generic)  adverb  suffix  colloquial 

  • in front (of), before (e.g. a building)
  • before, earlier, previously, prior, ago, (minutes) to (the hour)
  • (the) front, frontal part, fore, head (e.g. of a line)
  • forward, ahead
  • (in the) presence (of), in front (of someone)
  • previous (e.g. page), prior (e.g. engagement), first (e.g. half), former (e.g. example)
  • portion, helping
  • front (of one's body or clothing), breast (of a coat, kimono, etc.)
  • privates, private parts
  • criminal record, previous conviction, (a) prior

Wordpopular  JLPT N5  ใ„ adjective  adjective (generic) 

  • near, close, short (distance)
  • close (in time), soon
  • close (relationship), friendly, intimate
  • closely related
  • similar, almost the same, close to, nearly

Wordpopular  usually written using kana alone  noun  noun (generic) 

  • one's house, one's home, one's family, one's household
  • house

Wordpopular  JLPT N5  noun  noun (generic)  adverb  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  adjective (generic)  archaic 

  • inside, interior
  • among, within
  • middle, center, centre
  • during, while, middle, midst, amid
  • interval, gap
  • mean, average
  • second (of three, e.g. sons, volumes), middle
  • medium grade, medium quality
  • red-light district

Wordpopular  JLPT N3  noun  noun (generic)  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  adjective (generic) 

  • teacher (classroom)

Wordpopular  search-only kanji form  honorific language  noun  noun (generic) 

  • guest, visitor
  • customer, client, shopper, spectator, audience, tourist, sightseer, passenger

Wordpopular  JLPT N5  noun  noun (generic) 

  • wallet, purse, coin purse, billfold, pocketbook
