- popular
- Words commonly used in modern Japanese #popular
- JLPT N4 words: Elementary Level #jlpt4
- usually written using kana alone
- Words and expressions which are always written using hiragana or katakana. #uk
- い adjective
- Adjectives finishing in い before they modify a noun. #adj-i
- adjective (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese adjectives #adj
- colloquial
- Words not used in formal speech, writing or paralinguistics. #col
- adverb
- Fukushi adverb coming from adjectives. #adv
- vreselijk, verschrikkelijk, afschuwelijk, ontzettend, gruwelijk, afgrijselijk, angstaanjagend, schrikwekkend, beangstigend, akelig, ijzingwekkend, ijselijk, huiveringwekkend, {form.} horribel
- enorm, geweldig, verbijsterend, verbluffend, verbazend, ongelofelijk, overweldigend, verpletterend, fantastisch, schitterend, indrukwekkend, buitengewoon, fabelachtig, formidabel, fenomenaal, {fig.} moorddadig, grandioos, immens, ontzaglijk, verbazingwekkend, ontzagwekkend, heftig, niet te zuinig!, wow!, wauw!, mieters!
- terrible, affreux
- incroyable (par ex. par la force), grand (par ex. d'un talent), merveilleux, formidable
- dans une grande mesure, vaste (en nombre)
- unheimlich, nicht geheuer, ungeheuer, gruselig
- fürchterlich, furchtbar, schrecklich, entsetzlich
- wahnsinnig, toll, großartig, fabelhaft
- borzasztó, szörnyű, félelmetes, ijesztő, irtózatos, olcsó rémregény, ponyva, ponyvaregény, rémítő, rettegett, rettenetes, iszonyú, óriási
- 1) ужасный, страшный; мрачный, 2) поразительный
- grozen, strašen, čudovit, izreden, neverjeten
- terrible, espantoso, magnifico, terrorífico, asombroso, grande, maravilloso, para una gran extensión
How to write
Kanji in this word
Collocations and expressions using 凄い
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1374550
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL: https://jpdct.com/FPlW
- Appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
Adjective declension
Plain | |
Present | Loading... 凄いすごいsugoi |
Negative | Loading... 凄くないすごくないsugokunai |
Past | Loading... 凄かったすごかったsugokatta |
Past negative | Loading... 凄くなかったすごくなかったsugokunakatta |
Te form | Loading... 凄くてすごくてsugokute |
Adverbial | Loading... 凄くすごくsugoku |
Keigo (polite) | |
Present | Loading... 凄いですすごいですsugoidesu |
Negative | Loading... 凄くありませんすごくありませんsugokuarimasen |
Past | Loading... 凄かったですすごかったですsugokattadesu |
Past negative | Loading... 凄くありませんでしたすごくありませんでしたsugokuarimasendeshita |
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- 今すごい名案がうかんだぞ。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- Japanese sentence
- マドンナのコンサートはすごい数の客を集めた。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- Japanese sentence
- そんなすごい目で睨み付けないでください。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning