List: Intransitive Jidooshi Verb
List: Intransitive Jidooshi Verb
- Description
- Visibility
- Public
- Owner
- Gio
- Number of entries
- 280
- Contains
- Words
- Creation date
- 28 January 2024 - 20:02
- Last updated
- 19 December 2024 - 18:13
Wordgikun or jukujikun usually written using kana alone godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) intransitive verb
- to doze (off)
Wordpopular obsolete reading sensitive noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ intransitive verb
- beggar
- begging
Wordpopular JLPT N1 godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) intransitive verb archaic
- to drift, to float
- to waft (e.g. a scent), to hang in the air
- to be in the air (e.g. a feeling or mood)
- to wander, to walk around aimlessly
- to be unsteady, to be unstable
- to falter, to flinch, to wince
- to live in unreliable circumstances
WordIchidan verb verb (generic) intransitive verb
- to get torn, to wear out, to be frustrated, to break
Wordirregular okurigana rarely used kanji form usually written using kana alone godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) intransitive verb
- to glitter, to sparkle, to twinkle, to glisten, to gleam, to glint
Wordpopular JLPT N2 godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) transitive verb intransitive verb
- to stop up, to close up, to block (up), to plug up, to shut up, to cover (ears, eyes, etc.), to close (eyes, mouth)
- to stand in the way, to obstruct
- to occupy, to fill up, to take up
- to perform one's role, to do one's duty
- to feel depressed, to be in low spirits, to mope
Wordpopular rarely used kanji form JLPT N2 interjection noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ intransitive verb
- banzai, hurray, hurrah, hooray
- something to cheer about, something worthy of celebration
- giving up, throwing one's hands up
- eternal life and prosperity
Wordpopular irregular kanji usage usually written using kana alone godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) intransitive verb
- to hang one's head, to look down, to cast one's eyes downward
Wordpopular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ intransitive verb
- development, growth, expansion, extension, flourishing
- development (of a situation, story, etc.), advancement, progression, unfolding
- playing around (sexually; esp. of a male homosexual), having an active sex life
Wordpopular JLPT N1 noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ transitive verb intransitive verb Christianity
- confession (to a crime, wrongdoing, etc.), admission
- professing one's feelings (to someone one wants to go out with), declaration of love
- profession (of faith)
- confession (of sins)