

popular  rarely used kanji form  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to dress (oneself in), to attire oneself in, to adorn, to decorate
  • to pretend, to feign, to affect, to disguise oneself as

popular  Ichidan verb  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to lie in wait (for), to be on the watch (for), to wait (for), to watch (for)

popular  JLPT N3  Ichidan verb  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to look at, to gaze at, to watch, to stare at
  • to look out over, to get a view of, to admire (e.g. the scenery)
  • to look on (from the sidelines), to stand by and watch, to observe

popular  rarely used kanji form  JLPT N4  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to pay (e.g. money, bill)
  • to brush off, to wipe away, to clear away, to dust off, to cut off (e.g. branches)
  • to drive away (e.g. one's competitors)
  • to sell off (something unneeded), to dispose of
  • to pay (e.g. attention), to show (e.g. respect, concern)
  • to make (e.g. effort, sacrifice), to expend, to exert
  • to move out (of one's own place), to vacate
  • to sweep (e.g. one's legs), to knock aside
  • to make a sweeping stroke (in Japanese calligraphy)
  • to reset (an abacus)

popular  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to fire (gun, arrow, questions, etc.), to shoot, to hit (e.g. baseball), to break wind
  • to set free, to release, to let loose
  • to emit (e.g. light), to give off (e.g. a scent)
  • to send out (a person to carry out a duty)
  • to set fire to
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popular  JLPT N3  Ichidan verb  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to leave (in someone's keeping), to put (in someone's care), to place (in someone's custody), to entrust (someone) with, to deposit
  • to put (someone) in charge of, to leave (a matter) in someone's hands, to let (someone) decide
  • to lean on, to put one's weight on

popular  rarely used kanji form  JLPT N5  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to talk, to speak, to converse, to chat
  • to tell, to explain, to narrate, to mention, to describe, to discuss
  • to speak (a language)

popular  search-only kanji form  JLPT N1  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb  sports  martial arts  go (game) 

  • to drive in (a nail, stake, etc.), to hammer in
  • to hit (a ball, etc.), to drive, to smash
  • to fire into, to shoot into
  • to input (data), to enter
  • to devote oneself to, to be absorbed in, to be (really) into, to be enthusiastic about, to put heart and soul into, to throw oneself into, to go head over heels for
  • to practice hitting (baseball, tennis, etc.)
  • to hit (an opponent in kendo, boxing, etc.), to get a blow in
  • to invade one's opponent's territory, to place a stone in an opponent's formation
  • to pour (concrete, etc.) into a form

popular  JLPT N3  Ichidan verb  verb (generic)  transitive verb  suffix 

  • to put (into), to put away (in), to put back (in), to keep (in), to store (in), to restore (to its place)
  • to include (in an anthology, catalogue, etc.), to contain, to publish (in), to capture (on film)
  • to achieve (results, success, etc.), to obtain, to get, to gain, to win, to make (a profit)
  • to pay (fees, taxes, etc.), to deliver, to supply
  • to accept (a gift or money)
  • to keep (within a limit)
  • to offer (to a shrine, deity, etc.), to dedicate
  • to subdue, to suppress, to settle
  • to finish, to conclude, to wind up, to bring to a close

popular  JLPT N5  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  intransitive verb  colloquial 

  • to stand (up), to rise, to get to one's feet, to stand on end (e.g. of hairs), to stick up
  • to stand (in a position; of a person, tree, building, etc.), to be situated (in, on)
  • to be (in difficulties, the lead, etc.), to put oneself (in a position or situation), to take up (a position, post, etc.), to position oneself
  • to leave (to do something)
  • to depart (on a journey, trip, etc.), to leave, to set off, to start
  • to get stuck (into; of an arrow, thorn etc.), to pierce
  • to develop (of a haze, waves, etc.), to form (of steam, bubbles, etc.), to appear (of a rainbow, clouds, etc.), to rise (of smoke, waves, etc.), to begin to blow (of a wind, breeze, etc.)
  • to spread (of a rumour, reputation, etc.), to be become widely known
  • to stand (for election), to run
  • to take action, to act, to rise (up), to rouse oneself
  • to have an erection, to become erect (e.g. of nipples)
  • to be established (of a policy, plan, objective, etc.), to be formed
  • to be valid (of an argument, logic, etc.), to hold up, to hold water, to stand up (e.g. of evidence), to be logical, to be reasonable
  • to be sustained (of a living, business, etc.), to be maintained, to survive, to be preserved (of one's reputation, honour, etc.), to be saved
  • to start (of a season), to begin
  • to be held (of a market)
  • to shut (of a door, shoji, etc.), to be shut, to be closed
  • to be (the result of a division)
