

obsolete reading  JLPT N1  usually written using kana alone  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  intransitive verb 

  • to become attached (to), to take (to), to become affectionate (with), to be tamed, to get close (e.g. to someone emotionally), to become intimate (with)
ๆตท้ผ ใชใพใ“namako

gikun or jukujikun  obsolete reading  usually written using kana alone  noun  noun (generic) 

  • sea cucumber (Holothuroidea spp.)

obsolete reading  rarely used kanji form  usually written using kana alone  noun  noun (generic) 

  • eared seal (esp. the California sea lion, Zalophus californianus), sea lion

obsolete reading  noun  noun (generic) 

  • beginning of the world, creation

obsolete reading  noun  noun (generic)  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  adjective (generic)  Buddhism 

  • Apocrypha (i.e. as opposed to the Biblical canon)
  • non-Buddhist writings (esp. Confucian writings)

obsolete reading  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  transitive verb 

  • agitation, stirring, whipping, beating

obsolete reading  noun  noun (generic) 

  • dried fish (or shellfish, etc.)

obsolete reading  noun  noun (generic) 

  • leisure

obsolete reading  usually written using kana alone  noun  noun (generic) 

  • (common) millet (Panicum miliaceum), proso millet

obsolete reading  usually written using kana alone  noun  noun (generic) 

  • great burdock (Arctium lappa), gobo
