- popular
- Words commonly used in modern Japanese #popular
- rarely used kanji form
- rarely used kanji form #rK
- JLPT N3 words: Intermediate Level #jlpt3
- noun
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n
- noun (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun
- noun or participle taking the aux. verb する
- noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru #vs
- transitive verb
- transitive verb #vt
- abbreviation
- An abbreviation is a shorter way to write a word or phrase. #abbr
- horse racing
- Words related to the horse racing sport. #horse
Other forms:
- nounnoun or participle taking the aux. verb するtransitive verbobstacle, impediment, hindrance, barrier, difficulty
- noundisorder, defect, disability, handicap, impairment, dysfunction
- horse racingabbreviationnounsteeplechase
- see also:障害競走
- abbreviationnounobstacle race, steeplechase (athletics)
- see also:障害物競走
- obstakel, belemmering, beperking, hinder, hindernis, verhindering, barrière, hinderpaal, sta-in-de-weg, beletsel, impediment, bezwaar, zwarigheid, moeilijkheid, struikelblok, tegenwerking, {fig.} klip, {sportt.} horde
- handicap, gebrek, stoornis, disfunctie, derangement, {attr.} invaliditeits-, {geneesk.} laesie, {Barg.} makke
- hindernisloop, hindernisren, steeple(chase), wedren met hindernissen, {i.h.b.} hordeloop, {i.h.b.} horderen {verkorting van shōgaibutsu kyōsō 障害物競走}
- obstacle, empêchement, entrave, difficulté, barrière
- handicap, déficience, invalidité, trouble, dysfonctionnement
- Hindernis, Verhinderung
- Störung
- Läsion, Funktionsstörung, Beeinträchtigung, Beschwerden, Leiden
- Geistesstörung
- akadály, gát, veszteség, akadály, gát, gátló körülmény, rendellenesség, zavarás
- 1) препятствие, помеха; препона; преграда; барьер, {~になる} стать препятствием (помехой); препятствовать, мешать; (обр.) лежать на пути, 2) (тех.) авария, повреждение; неисправность, неполадки; (эл.) повреждение (на линии и т. п.); (мед.) поражение (органа, ткани), 3) (см.) しょうがいぶつきょうそう
- ovira, zapreka, prizadetost {telesna ali duševna}
- obstáculo, impedimento, dificultad, barrera
- handicap, impedimento, discapacidad, desorden, mal funcionamiento
How to write
Not available for this kanji.
Kanji in this word
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1352060
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL: https://jpdct.com/FKF8
- Appears in the "wordfreq" file compiled by Alexandre Girardi (see wordfreq.README) on the first 12.000 words.
- Appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
- Frequency-of-use ranking in the wordfreq file: 2
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- 彼の記憶喪失は物理的な記憶障害というよりは心理的な障害である。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- Zijn geheugenverlies is eerder een psychische dan een fysieke beperking.His loss of memory is a psychological problem rather than a physical one.Sa perte de mémoire est un problème plus psychologique que physique.Sein Gedächtnisverlust ist eher ein psychisches als ein physisches Problem.Az emlékezetvesztése inkább lelki, mint fizikai probléma.Sua perda de memória está mais para um problema psicológico do que físico.Его амнезия - проблема скорее психологическая, нежели физиологическая.Su pérdida de memoria es más bien una discapacidad psíquica que física.
- Japanese sentence
- 先駆者達は一連の障害を克服してきた。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- The pioneers have overcome a series of obstacles.Die Pioniere haben eine Reihe von Hindernissen überwunden.Пионеры преодолели ряд трудностей.Los pioneros han superado una serie de obstáculos.