- usually written using kana alonenoundiscipline, training, teaching manners
- éducation, discipline familiale
- kiképzés, nevelés, trenírozás
- 1) воспитание; дисциплина, 2) (см.) しつけ【仕付け】 2, 3
- disciplina, dresura
- cultura, formación, educación
How to write
Not available for this kanji.
Kanji in this word
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1573410
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL: https://jpdct.com/GAIi
- Appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- 男の子へのしつけは可能である。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- Boys can be trained to behave.Les garçons peuvent être dressés à bien se comporter.Мальчиков можно научить вести себя хорошо.