- popular
- Words commonly used in modern Japanese #popular
- JLPT N3 words: Intermediate Level #jlpt3
- noun
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n
- noun (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun
- colloquial
- Words not used in formal speech, writing or paralinguistics. #col
- usually written using kana alone
- Words and expressions which are always written using hiragana or katakana. #uk
- food, cooking
- Terms related to food and how to cook it. #food
- prefix
- prefix #pref
- colloquialnounfemale genitalia (esp. the clitoris)
- food, cookingcolloquialusually written using kana alonenounkidney
- prefixsmall, miniature, baby, midget, small-scale
- prefixchild
- peulvrucht, boon, {i.h.b.} sojaboon
- miniatuur-, mini-, dwerg-, ~ in het klein, klein ~ {voorvoegsel dat aanduidt dat het in het grondwoord genoemde erg klein is in zijn soort}
- légumineuse (surtout les légumineuses comestibles ou leurs graines, comme les haricots, les pois, les légumes à gousse, etc.), haricots, pois
- soja (Glycine max), graines de soja, soya
- organes génitaux féminins (surtout le clitoris)
- rein
- miniature, minuscule
- enfant
- Bohne, Erbse, Hülsenfrüchte (insbes.)Sojabohnen
- Blase (an den Füßen, Händen o.Ä.)
- bab, kábítószer-pirula, suska, borsó, kis méretű, miniatúra, miniatűr
- (уст.) 荳, 菽, [соевые] бобы; горох, (ср.) まめ…
- fižol, grah
- frijoles, habas, habichuelas, judías
- soja
- genitales femeninos (esp. el clítoris)
- (comida) riñón
- miniatura, frágil
How to write
Kanji in this word
Collocations and expressions using 豆
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1450030
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL: https://jpdct.com/FiAu
- Appears in the "wordfreq" file compiled by Alexandre Girardi (see wordfreq.README) on the first 12.000 words.
- Frequency-of-use ranking in the wordfreq file: 12
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- 飲む分だけ豆をローストして、ミルで挽くんです。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning