- popular
- Words commonly used in modern Japanese #popular
- rarely used kanji form
- rarely used kanji form #rK
- usually written using kana alone
- Words and expressions which are always written using hiragana or katakana. #uk
- sensitive
- Words and expressions that may hurt, upset or offend others. #sens
- noun
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n
- noun (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun
- prefix
- prefix #pref
Other forms:
- ちびchibi
- usually written using kana alonesensitivenounsmall child, pipsqueak, small fry, small, cute versions of manga, anime, etc. characters, typically with oversized heads
- sensitiveusually written using kana alonenounshort person, midget, dwarf
- usually written using kana alonenounsmall animal, runt
- usually written using kana aloneprefixworn down (pencil, etc.)
How to write
Not available for this kanji.Kanji in this word
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- ぼくにチビと言われてあいつはすごくあたまにきた。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- Hij werd boos op me omdat ik hem Shorty noemde.He got mad at me for calling him Shorty.Il s'est fâché contre moi parce que je l'ai appelé Nabot.Er wurde wütend auf mich, weil ich ihn Shorty genannt hatte.Él se enojó conmigo por llamarlo petiso.