- suffix-ian (e.g. Italian), -ite (e.g. Tokyoite)indicates nationality, race, origin, etc.
- suffix-er (e.g. performer, etc.), person working with ...indicates expertise (in a certain field)
- suffixman, person, peopleusu. in compound words
- iemand afkomstig uit ~, iemand wonend in ~, inwoner, bewoner van ~, -er, -aan, -ees, -aar, -man, -iet, -ling
- -ien (par ex. italien), -ïte (par ex. tokyoïte), indique la nationalité, l'ethnie, l'origine, etc.
- -eur (par ex. acteur, etc.), personne travaillant avec..., indique l'expertise (dans un certain domaine)
- (habituellement dans les mots composés) homme, personne, gens
- Mensch, Person, Leute (insbes. bei der Einteilung Himmel, Erde und Mensch)
- ember, hajó, hűbéres, katona, család, munkások
- -ec, ka
- -és (sufijo para adjetivo gentilicio)
How to write
Japanese counters
Counting in Japanese isn't as straightforward as in English.
In Japanese, to count things, events or actions you need to use special words called counters. The Japanese numerals cannot be used directly with a noun.. 1
There are too many counters and you need to use a different one depending on what you want to count. Using the wrong counter is grammatically incorrect. If you are counting people, you must use the people counter, etc. Sometimes, it is acceptable to use a more generic counter when a less commonly used counter applies. 2
Most common counters
Japanese | Use |
人 | To count the number of people |
本 | To count long, cylindrical objects such as bottles or chopsticks |
枚 | To count thin objects such as paper or shirts |
冊 | To count bound objects usually books |
匹 | To count small animals like cats or dogs |
歳 | To count the age of a living creatures such as people |
個 | To count small (often round) objects |
回 | To count number of times |
ヶ所 | To count number of locations |
つ | To count any generic object that has a rare or no counter |
Counting from 1 to 10
- Special readings appear in bold font.
View Wikipedia: Japanese counter word for a comprehensive list of Japanese counters.
See also: JapanDict: Numbers ↩
Information for this article extracted from the great Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Numbers and counting under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License. ↩
Kanji in this word
Collocations and expressions using 人
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1366410
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL:
- Appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
- nounperson, someone, somebody
- nounhuman beings, mankind, man, people, humans
- usually written using kana alonenounhuman (Homo sapiens)usu. ヒト
- noun(other) people, others
- nouncharacter, personality, nature
- nouncapable person, competent person, suitable person, right person
- nounadult, grown-up
- nounI, me, oneused when rebuking or criticizing someone
- mens, Homo sapiens
- persoon, mens, ziel, sterveling, {oorspr.bijb.} mensenkind, {oneig.} man, {oneig.} vrouw, figuur, individu, type, iemand
- karakter, inborst, aard, persoonlijkheid, {i.h.b.} talent
- de mensen, hij of zij, iemand anders, de andere, men, je
- homme, personne
- être humain, humanité, les gens
- être humain (home sapiens), les hommes comme espèce
- caractère, personalité
- homme de talent, vrai homme
- une autre personne, d'autres personnes, les autres
- adulte
- Mensch, Person, Leute
- andere, jemand, irgend einer, man, die Leute
- Erwachsener, Charakter, Natur, Persönlichkeit
- Mensch, Homo sapiens sapiens
- ember, fő, hajó, katona, személy, emberi lény, család, jelleg, sajátság, felnőtt
- 1) человек, люди, 2) личность, характер, 3) достойный человек; подходящий человек; взрослый человек, 4) другой, другие, {~の} чужой, 5) кто[-нибудь], кто-то (и т. п.)
- človek, oseba
- persona, (sp) las personas
How to write
Kanji in this word
Collocations and expressions using 人
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1580640
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL:
- Appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- 人は意識のある生き物だ。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- Man is a conscious being.
- Japanese sentence
- 人がなんと言おうと僕は君の味方だ。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- I'll stand by you no matter what others may say.Je me tiendrai à tes côtés, quoi qu'en puissent dire les autres.Ich werde dir beistehen, was immer auch andere sagen mögen.
- Japanese sentence
- 確かに彼はハンサムでないが、人がよい。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- He is not handsome, to be sure, but he is good-natured.
- Japanese sentence
- この人は画家だ!Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- This fellow is an artist!Ce type est un artiste !Der Typ ist ein Künstler!
- countercounter for people
- mens, persoon, ziel, sterveling
- {maatwoord voor personen}
- -er, -aar, -e, -man, -ant
- compteur pour les personnes
- personne
- ember, fő, hajó, katona, személy, emberi lény, család, jelleg, sajátság, felnőtt
- (счётный суф. для людей)
- (Msr) oseb, ljudi
- persona (contador para personas)
How to write
Kanji in this word
Collocations and expressions using 人
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 2149890
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL:
- Appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- 200人の人が昨年コレラで死んだ。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- Tweehonderd mensen stierven vorig jaar aan cholera.Two hundred people died of cholera last year.Zweihundert Menschen starben voriges Jahr an Cholera.Duzentas pessoas morreram de cólera no ano passado.Doscientas personas murieron de cólera el año pasado.
- suffix
- suffix #suf
- とto
- suffixperson
- egyén, szereplő
- persona
How to write
Not available for this kanji.Kanji in this word
Collocations and expressions using 人
人知れずsecretly人気のあるpopular人がいいgenerous人が悪いill-natured人が群れるto be crowded with people人が変わるto become like a different person人それぞれto each his own人たる道に背くto stray from the path of righteousness人には添うてみよ馬には乗ってみよyou can't judge someone until you've spent time with them人に善言を与うるは布帛よりも煖かなりwords provide more warmth than cloth人に歴史ありeveryone has a past人のいいof good character人のことを言うto find fault with other people rather than oneself人のこと言えないnot one to talk人のふり見てわがふり直せone man's fault is another's lesson人のふんどしで相撲を取るto profit at someone else's expense人の噂も七十五日a wonder lasts but nine days人の花は赤いthe grass is always greener on the other side of the fence人の金other people's money人の口what people say人の口には戸が立てられないyou can't control what people say人の口に戸は立てられずpeople will talk人の子(someone's) child人の常human nature人の頭に立つto stand at the head of others人の道moral way of life人の蠅を追うより己の蠅を追えtake care of yourself before you take care of others人はパンのみにて生くる者に非ずman shall not live by bread alone人は一代名は末代the worthy will be remembered人は見かけによらぬものappearances can be deceiving人は見目よりただ心a gentle spirit is more important than looks人は死して名を留むhe has not lived that lives not after death人は情けbe kind to others人は人、我は我live and let live人もあろうにof all people人よりmore than most people人を飲むto write the kanji for "person" on one's hand three times and mimic swallowing them (as a technique for calming one's nerves)人を怨むより身を怨めit is easier to blame than do better人を陥れるto entrap a person人を見たら泥棒と思えdon't trust strangers人を見て法を説くto suit one's speech to the audience人を見て法を説けsuit your speech to the audience人を見る目an eye for people人を呪わば穴二つcurses come home to roost人を食うto be insolent人を食ったarrogant人を人とも思わないdisdaining everybody人を得るto employ the right person人我に辛ければ我また人に辛しbe mean to me and I'll be mean in return人間ができているto be mature and kind人間のクズscum of society人間の盾human shield人間の堕落the Fall of Man人間は万物の尺度であるman is the measure of all things人間は万物の霊長man is the crown of creation人間到る処青山ありhome is wherever one lays one's hat人間万事金の世の中money talks人間万事塞翁が馬inscrutable are the ways of heaven人気があるto be popular人気が出るto become popular人気をさらうto capture all the popularity人気を呼ぶto capture public interest人気を集めるto gain popularity人形を使うto manipulate puppets人呼んでknown as ...人後に落ちないto be second to none (in)人口に膾炙するto become well-known人使いが荒いworking one's employees hard人事を尽くして天命を待つman proposes, God disposes人事を尽くすto do as much as is humanly possible人手にかかるto be murdered人手に渡るto fall into another's hands人手を増やすto add to the staff人心地がつくto come to one's senses人身の自由freedom of the person人生オワタ(my) life is over人生のための芸術art for life's sake人生の真っ盛りprime of life人生の先輩person older than oneself (who has more life experience)人生の大先輩person much older than oneself (who has much more life experience)人生意気に感ずheart is won by heart人生一度きりyou only live once人生僅か五十年life is short人生行路難しlife is not easy人生朝露man's life vanishes like a dew人前でin public人知を超えたbeyond human understanding人当たりがいいaffable人当たりの良いaffable人道に対する罪crime against humanity人波を泳ぐto wade through a crowd人聞きの悪いdisreputable人民元建てdenominated in Chinese Yuan人木石に非ずman is not made of stone人目につかないunperceived人目につくto be within others' sight人目に余るto be too prominent人目に立つto be conspicuous人目もはばからずopenly人目を引くto grab attention人目を忍ぶto avoid being seen人類最古oldest mankind (e.g. evidence of)