- rarely used kanji form
- rarely used kanji form #rK
- idiomatic expression
- Expressions, words, or phrases that have a figurative meaning conventionally understood by native speakers. #id
- formal or literary term
- formal or literary term #form
- expression
- Words or phrases, used to convey an idea. #exp
- noun
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n
- noun (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun
Other forms:
三 顧 の 礼 さんこのれいsankonoreiMeaning
- idiomatic expressionformal or literary termexpressionnounshowing (someone) special courtesy (to persuade them to take a post)
- besondere Behandlung, höfliche Bitte (einer niedrigerstehenden Person, damit sie etwas für einen tut)
- especial confianza de un superior en un subordinado
How to write
Not available for this kanji.Kanji in this word