
List: 1. Known Words

words I know / started to know / supposed to know

List: 1. Known Words
words I know / started to know / supposed to know
Number of entries
Creation date
29 July 2024 - 13:15
Last updated
17 August 2024 - 23:28
Showing 101 - 110 of 890 words for the list 1. Known Words.

Wordpopular  JLPT N5  ใ„ adjective  adjective (generic) 

  • hot (to the touch)
  • passionate (feelings, etc.), ardent, hot (e.g. gaze)
  • hot (e.g. temper)
  • zealous, enthusiastic, fired up
  • intense, severe, extreme
  • hot (topic), of interest

Wordpopular  JLPT N2  expression  Ichidan verb  verb (generic) 

  • to be careful, to pay attention, to take care

Wordpopular  JLPT N1  suffix 

  • -ian (e.g. Italian), -ite (e.g. Tokyoite)
  • -er (e.g. performer, etc.), person working with ...
  • man, person, people

Wordpopular  JLPT N5  noun  noun (generic)  usually written using kana alone 

  • person, someone, somebody
  • human beings, mankind, man, people, humans
  • human (Homo sapiens)
  • (other) people, others
  • character, personality, nature
  • capable person, competent person, suitable person, right person
  • adult, grown-up
  • I, me, one

Wordpopular  irregular okurigana  rarely used kanji form  JLPT N5  noun  noun (generic) 

  • talk, speech, chat, conversation
  • topic, subject
  • discussions, negotiation, argument
  • rumor, talk, hearsay
  • tale, story, fable
  • circumstances, particulars

Wordpopular  JLPT N5  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to hear
  • to listen (e.g. to music)
  • to ask, to enquire, to query
  • to hear about, to hear of, to learn of
  • to follow (advice, order, etc.), to obey, to listen to, to comply with
  • to hear (e.g. a plea), to grant (a request), to accept (e.g. an argument), to give consideration to
  • to smell (esp. incense), to sample (a fragrance)
  • to taste (alcohol), to try
้ ‚ใใ„ใŸใ ใitadaku

Wordpopular  JLPT N3  humble language  usually written using kana alone  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb  polite language  auxiliary verb 

  • to receive, to get, to accept, to take, to buy
  • to eat, to drink
  • to be crowned with, to wear (on one's head), to have (on top)
  • to have (as one's leader), to live under (a ruler), to install (a president)
  • to get someone to do something
้ ‚ใใพใ™ใ„ใŸใ ใใพใ™itadakimasu

Wordpopular  JLPT N3  usually written using kana alone  expression 

  • thank you (for the meal just served), I receive (this meal)

Wordpopular  rarely used kanji form  JLPT N3  usually written using kana alone  ใ„ adjective  adjective (generic) 

  • skillful, skilful, skilled, good, expert, clever (expression, trick, etc.), apt, appropriate
  • delicious, tasty, good, nice
  • good (deal, idea, etc.), profitable, promising, lucky, fortunate, successful, satisfactory, splendid

Wordpopular  JLPT N4  interjection 

  • yes, yeah, uh huh
  • hum, hmmm, well, erm, huh?
  • oof
