List: Stay With Me
List: Stay With Me
- Description
- Visibility
- Public
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- Number of entries
- 22
- Contains
- Words
- Creation date
- 22 July 2023 - 03:00
- Last updated
- 22 July 2023 - 20:05
Wordpopular JLPT N4 godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) intransitive verb transitive verb
- to cry, to shed tears, to weep, to sob
- to suffer (from), to be troubled (by), to face hardship
- to accept (an unreasonable request, loss, etc.), to do reluctantly, to make sacrifices
- to be not worth worth the name, to suffer (of a reputation), to be spoiled, to be put to shame
- to lament, to bemoan, to bewail
Wordpopular JLPT N4 noun noun (generic) noun taking the genitive case particle の adjective (generic)
- season, time of year

Wordpopular JLPT N5 noun noun (generic) noun taking the genitive case particle の adjective (generic) adverb suffix colloquial
- in front (of), before (e.g. a building)
- before, earlier, previously, prior, ago, (minutes) to (the hour)
- (the) front, frontal part, fore, head (e.g. of a line)
- forward, ahead
- (in the) presence (of), in front (of someone)
- previous (e.g. page), prior (e.g. engagement), first (e.g. half), former (e.g. example)
- portion, helping
- front (of one's body or clothing), breast (of a coat, kimono, etc.)
- privates, private parts
- criminal record, previous conviction, (a) prior
Wordpopular godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) transitive verb
- to hold in one's arms (e.g. a baby), to embrace, to hug
- to have sex with, to make love to, to sleep with
- to sit on (eggs), to brood
Wordpopular JLPT N5 Ichidan verb verb (generic) transitive verb
- to forget, to leave carelessly, to be forgetful of, to forget about, to forget (an article)
Wordpopular JLPT N4 い adjective adjective (generic)
- lonely, lonesome, solitary, desolate
Wordgodan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) transitive verb
- to divert (e.g. one's mind), to distract, to relieve (boredom, sorrow, etc.), to drown (one's sorrows), to beguile (the time)
- to conceal (e.g. one's grief with a smile), to hide, to shift (the conversation), to change (the subject)
Wordpopular obsolete reading JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) counter noun (suffix)
- needle, pin
- hook
- stinger, thorn
- hand (e.g. clock, etc.), pointer
- staple (for a stapler)
- needlework, sewing
- malice
- counter for stitches
Wordpopular JLPT N5 godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) transitive verb usually written using kana alone auxiliary verb
- to put, to place
- to leave (behind)
- to establish (an organization, a facility, a position, etc.), to set up
- to appoint (someone to a certain position), to hire, to employ
- to place (one's trust, one's faith, etc.), to bear (in mind, etc.)
- to put down a tool (e.g. a pen) hence stopping what one is doing with that tool
- to take in (boarders, etc.), to provide lodging in one's house
- to separate spatially or temporally
- to do something in advance
- to leave something in a certain state, to keep something in a certain state
Wordpopular JLPT N5 noun or verb acting prenominally adjective (generic) な adjective adverb
- same, identical, equal, alike, equivalent
- anyway, in any case, if one must ..., if one has to ..., as long as ...