List: 進撃の巨人E1
List: 進撃の巨人E1
- Description
- Visibility
- Public
- Owner
- Number of entries
- 231
- Contains
- Words
- Creation date
- 1 March 2025 - 08:47
- Last updated
- 13 March 2025 - 01:36
Wordpopular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) archaic
- hole, opening, orifice, perforation
- pit, hollow, cavity, hole (e.g. in the ground)
- burrow, den, lair, holt, hole
- deficit, shortage, (financial) hole, loss
- gap (left by a missing employee, team member, etc.), vacancy, opening
- flaw, fault, defect, weak point, hole (in a theory, plan, etc.), loophole
- good place not many people know about, well-kept secret
- upset victory (with a large payoff), long shot, dark horse
- (partitioned) box (type of floor seating in a traditional Japanese theatre)
- hiding place, hideout
Wordpopular JLPT N5 Ichidan verb verb (generic) transitive verb intransitive verb
- to open (a door, etc.), to unwrap (e.g. parcel, package), to unlock
- to open (for business, etc.)
- to empty, to remove, to make space, to make room
- to move out, to clear out
- to be away from (e.g. one's house), to leave (temporarily)
- to dawn, to grow light
- to end (of a period, season)
- to begin (of the New Year)
- to leave (one's schedule) open, to make time (for)
- to make (a hole), to open up (a hole)
Wordpopular search-only kana form JLPT N5 adverb interjection
- already, yet, by now, now, (not) any more, (not) any longer
- soon, shortly, before long, presently
- further, more, again, another, the other
- jeez, geez, gee, boy, come on, damn, seriously
Wordpopular JLPT N2 noun taking the genitive case particle の adjective (generic) な adjective noun noun (generic)
- innumerable, countless, numberless
Wordpopular JLPT N3 godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) intransitive verb baseball transitive verb
- to be hit, to strike
- to touch, to be in contact, to be affixed
- to be equivalent to, to be applicable, to apply to
- to be right on the money (of a prediction, criticism, etc.)
- to be selected (in a lottery, etc.), to win
- to be successful, to go well, to be a hit
- to face, to confront
- to lie (in the direction of)
- to undertake, to be assigned
- to be stricken (by food poisoning, heat, etc.), to be afflicted
- to be called on (e.g. by a teacher)
- to treat (esp. harshly), to lash out at
- to be unnecessary
- to be hitting well, to be on a hitting streak
- to feel a bite (in fishing)
- (of fruit, etc.) to be bruised, to spoil
- to feel (something) out, to probe into, to check (i.e. by comparison)
- to shave
- to be a relative of a person, to be a ... in relation to ..., to stand in a relationship
Wordpopular usually written using kana alone expression い adjective adjective (generic)
- there is no way that ...
- easy, simple
Wordpopular JLPT N1 noun noun (generic) noun (suffix) abbreviation shogi astronomy
- angle
- square, cube
- bishop
- third degree (of the Japanese and Chinese pentatonic scale)
- Chinese "horn" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
- jiao (monetary unit of China; one-tenth of a yuan)
Wordpopular JLPT N5 godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) intransitive verb
- to bend, to curve, to warp, to wind, to twist
- to turn
- to be awry, to be askew, to be crooked
Wordpopular JLPT N5 usually written using kana alone adverb noun taking the genitive case particle の adjective (generic) noun noun (generic)
- always, all the time, at all times
- never
- usual, regular, habitual, customary
Wordpopular JLPT N1 noun noun (generic) suffix counter
- pillar, post
- support, prop, mainstay
- counter for buddhas, gods, nobles, etc.