popular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) noun (suffix) Buddhism Christianity abbreviation
- love, affection, care
- attachment, craving, desire
- agape
- Ireland
popular noun noun (generic) Christianity Buddhism abbreviation obsolete term
- sky
- heaven
- God
- svarga (heaven-like realm visited as a stage of death and rebirth)
- deva (divine being of Buddhism)
- top (of a book)
- sole (of a Japanese sandal)
- beginning, start
- tempura
- India
popular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ transitive verb Christianity
- judgement, judgment, decision, verdict, sentence
- refereeing, umpiring, judging
- judgement (of God)
- referee, umpire, judge
popular JLPT N1 Buddhism noun noun (generic) Christianity
- hell realm, Naraka
- Hell
- hell, misery, nightmare, inferno
- place where a volcano or hot springs constantly spew smoke or steam
popular JLPT N1 Christianity noun noun (generic)
- Bible, the Scriptures, Holy Writ
popular Christianity noun noun (generic)
- baptism, christening
- initiation (into a society, group, etc.), baptism
- one's first experience of something, baptism (by fire, etc.)
popular JLPT N1 noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ transitive verb intransitive verb Christianity
- confession (to a crime, wrongdoing, etc.), admission
- professing one's feelings (to someone one wants to go out with), declaration of love
- profession (of faith)
- confession (of sins)
popular noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ transitive verb Christianity
- celebration (of a joyous occasion), blessing, giving one's blessing, wishing (someone) good luck
- blessing (from God)
popular noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ Christianity
- sufferings, ordeals, agony
- Passion (of Christ), crucifixion
popular JLPT N1 noun noun (generic) Christianity noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ transitive verb
- proof, evidence, sign, testimony, testament (to something), vindication
- witnessing, testifying, testimony