

popular  obsolete reading  JLPT N4  usually written using kana alone  noun  noun (generic) 

  • grape, grapevine

popular  JLPT N4  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  intransitive verb  suffix 

  • to be crowded, to be packed, to be congested, to be thronged (with)
  • to be complex, to be intricate
  • to go into, to go in, to put into
  • to become (completely)
  • to do thoroughly, to do sufficiently
  • to remain (silent, seated, etc.), to stay ...

popular  JLPT N4  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  intransitive verb  suffix 

  • to turn, to rotate, to revolve, to spin
  • to go around, to circle, to revolve around, to orbit
  • to make the rounds (of), to go around (several places), to travel around, to make a tour of, to patrol
  • to go by way of, to go via, to stop by (on the way), to take a roundabout route, to make a detour
  • to move around (to another place or position), to come around, to go over (e.g. to the opposing side)
  • to come around (of one's turn), to be passed around (of a cup, circular, etc.)
  • to function, to work well
  • to spread, to extend (to; e.g. of one's attention), to reach, to take effect (of alcohol, poison, etc.)
  • to pass (a time), to turn (e.g. 5 o'clock)
  • to earn interest
  • to ... around, to ... about

popular  JLPT N4  Ichidan verb  verb (generic)  intransitive verb 

  • to be late, to be delayed, to fall behind schedule, to be overdue
  • to fall behind (in a race, one's studies, etc.), to lag behind, to be behind (the times)
  • to be bereaved of, to be preceded by (someone) in death
  • to be slow (of a clock or watch)

popular  JLPT N4  noun  noun (generic) 

  • accessory (fashion), jewelry
  • accessory (audio, car, camera, etc.)

popular  irregular reading  JLPT N4  noun  noun (generic) 

  • announcer, presenter, broadcaster, reporter
  • in-house television talent who does on-location fluff pieces for variety shows

popular  JLPT N4  chemistry  noun  noun (generic)  abbreviation 

  • alcohol
  • alcoholic drink, alcohol
  • (alcohol-based) hand sanitizer

gairaigo  German origin  popular  JLPT N4  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  intransitive verb 

  • part-time job, side job
  • part-time worker

popular  JLPT N4  noun  noun (generic) 

  • escalator

gairaigo  waseigo  English origin  popular  JLPT N4  noun  noun (generic) 

  • motorcycle, motorbike
