- popular
- Words commonly used in modern Japanese #popular
- ateji
- Words using kanji only phonetically. Kanji meaning may have no relation with the meaning of the word. #ateji
- rarely used kanji form
- rarely used kanji form #rK
- search-only kanji form
- search-only kanji form #sK
- JLPT N3 words: Intermediate Level #jlpt3
- usually written using kana alone
- Words and expressions which are always written using hiragana or katakana. #uk
- noun
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n
- noun (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun
- な adjective
- Adjectival nouns (keiyō-dōshi) or adjectives finishing in な before they modify a noun. #adj-na
- adjective (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese adjectives #adj
- slang
- Informal words or expressions likely to be interpreted by listeners as implying particular attitudes on the part of the speaker. #sl
- noun (prefix)
- noun, used as a prefix #n-pref
- noun (suffix)
- noun, used as a suffix #n-suf
- abbreviation
- An abbreviation is a shorter way to write a word or phrase. #abbr
Other forms:
- バカバカbaka
- dwaas, gek, zot, nar, idioot, imbeciel, mafkees, mafketel, mafkikker, malloot, piechem, halvegare, stommeling, sukkel, uilskuiken, oen, sul, lijp, druif, ezel, rund, os, domoor, domkop, dommerik, stommerd, lijperd, stommerik, stomkop, eendenkuiken, onnozelaar, onbenul, minkukel {inform.} lijpo
- dwaasheid, domheid, zotheid, onverstand, onwijsheid, stommiteit, stomheid, stommigheid, onzinnigheid, gekheid, gekkemanswerk, gekkigheid, idioterie, idiotie, idiotisme, malheid, malligheid, onnozelheid, stupiditeit, zottigheid, aperij, onbenulligheid, onzin, nonsens, flauwekul, ridiculiteit, belachelijkheid, larie, lariekoek, kolder, absurditeit
- fan, fanaat, fanaticus, enthousiast, freak, liefhebber, -gek, -maan
- dwaas, mal, onnozel, dom, gek, stom, zot, dol, belachelijk, mallotig, ridicuul, stupide, idioot, onwijs, onzinnig, absurd, zinneloos, {inform.} kolderiek, imbeciel, maf, lijp, halfgaar, halfwijs, getikt, {inform., fig.} bezopen, {fig.} halfzacht
- niet meer naar behoren functionerend, verdoofd {b.v. door kou}, gevoelloos, {i.h.b.} verschaald, {van schroeven enz.} dol
- buitengewoon {goedkoop enz.}, buitensporig, uitermate, overmatig, overdreven, al te ~, dol
- dwaas, mal, onnozel, dom, gek, stom, zot, dol, belachelijk, mallotig, ridicuul, stupide, idioot, onwijs, onzinnig, absurd, zinneloos, {inform.} kolderiek, imbeciel, maf, lijp, halfgaar, halfwijs, getikt, {inform., fig.} bezopen, {fig.} halfzacht
- niet meer naar behoren functionerend, verdoofd {b.v. door kou}, gevoelloos, {i.h.b.} verschaald, {van schroeven enz.} dol
- chose insignifiante, chose futile, chose légère, folie, bêtise, sottise, absurdité
- stupide, bête, idiot, sot, absurde, ridicule
- Mactra chinensis (espèces de coquillages)
- Dummkopf, Idiot, Esel, Hohlkopf, Tor, Strohkopf
- dumm, idiotisch
- Dummheit
- Unsinn, Quatsch, Albernheit
- Übertriebenheit, Riesenhaftigkeit, dumm, töricht, idiotisch, einfältig, albern, blödsinnig, unsinnig, lächerlich
- bolond ember, együgyű, butaság, könnyelműség, ostobaság
- 1) дурак, дурень, глупец, простофиля, {~にする} а) дурачит, морочить, водить за нос; б) ни во что не ставить; насмехаться, издеваться, 2) глупость; чепуха, {~な} глупый, дурацкий, 3): {~に} (прост.) ужасно, чертовски, 4): {~になる} потерять чувствительность (об органе); утратить свои свойства (о чём-л.)
- bedak, idiot, teslo
- tonto, estúpido, bobo, idiota, tonto, idiota
- idiot
Collocations and expressions using バカ
a born fool is never cured
stop talking nonsense
to talk nonsense
to feel like an idiot
stop talking nonsense
stupid people don't catch colds
once a fool, always a fool
one who knows little often repeats it
not insignificant
someone (something) not to be trifled with
to become stupid from associating with stupid people
to make fun of
a foolish child is more precious
to do a silly thing
everything comes in handy when used correctly
there is but a fine line between genius and insanity
fools fall easily for flattery
extent of (one's) foolishness
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1601260
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL: https://jpdct.com/GG7s
- Appears in the "wordfreq" file compiled by Alexandre Girardi (see wordfreq.README) on the last 12.000 words.
- Appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
- Frequency-of-use ranking in the wordfreq file: 45
Adjective declension
Plain | |
Present | Loading... バカだばかだbakada |
Negative | Loading... バカじゃないばかじゃないbakajanai |
Past | Loading... バカだったばかだったbakadatta |
Past negative | Loading... バカじゃなかったばかじゃなかったbakajanakatta |
Te form | Loading... バカでばかでbakade |
Adverbial | Loading... バカにばかにbakani |
Keigo (polite) | |
Present | Loading... バカですばかですbakadesu |
Negative | Loading... バカではありませんばかではありませんbakadehaarimasen |
Past | Loading... バカでしたばかでしたbakadeshita |
Past negative | Loading... バカではありませんでしたばかではありませんでしたbakadehaarimasendeshita |
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- なんという馬鹿なことだろう。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- Japanese sentence
- こんな荒れ模様の日に外出するなんて君は馬鹿だよ。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning