- search-only kana form
- search-only kana form #sk
- search-only kanji form
- search-only kanji form #sK
- expression
- Words or phrases, used to convey an idea. #exp
- noun
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n
- noun (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun
- idiomatic expression
- Expressions, words, or phrases that have a figurative meaning conventionally understood by native speakers. #id
- food, cooking
- Terms related to food and how to cook it. #food
蜂 の 巣
- expressionnounbeehive, hive, honeycomb
- idiomatic expressionexpressionnounsomething full of holes, Swiss cheese(figurative)
- food, cookingexpressionnounbeef reticulum, honeycomb tripe, wall of a cow's second stomachusu. written as ハチノス
- expressionnounswage block
- bijenkorf, bijennest, bijenhuis, wespennest, honingraat, raat
- {fig.} gatenkaas
- {techn.} zadelblok
- {dierk.} netmaag, reticulum, huif, muts
- La colmena
- Wespennest, Bienenstock, Bienenkorb
- Netzmagen, Retikulum, Haube
- Lochplatte, Gesenkplatte, Gesenkblock
- kaptár, méhkas, lép, lépesméz, lépsejt, méhsejt, mézes lép, sejtszerű hólyagok
How to write
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