- nounlogical connection, chain of reasoning, coherence, context
- nounblood vesselorig. meaning
- cohérence, enchaînement des idées
- Zusammenhang, Verbindung, Verkettung, Kette von Schlussfolgerungen, logischer Faden
- Ader, Blutgefäß
- szövegkörnyezet
- (кн.), 1) связь, {~のない} бессвязный, 2) (см.) けっかん【血管】
- smiselna zveza, logična povezava
- conexión, coherencia
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Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1528470
- JMdictDB entry
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- Appears in the "wordfreq" file compiled by Alexandre Girardi (see wordfreq.README) on the last 12.000 words.
- Appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
- Frequency-of-use ranking in the wordfreq file: 30