- popular
- Words commonly used in modern Japanese #popular
- JLPT N3 words: Intermediate Level #jlpt3
- godan verb
- Godan verb with 'gu' ending #v5g
- godan verb (archaic)
- All kinds of godan verbs (archaic) #v5
- verb (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese verbs #verb
- transitive verb
- transitive verb #vt
- intransitive verb
- intransitive verb #vi
How to write
Not available for this kanji.
Kanji in this word
Collocations and expressions using 稼ぐ
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1194450
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL: https://jpdct.com/EjnS
- Appears in the "wordfreq" file compiled by Alexandre Girardi (see wordfreq.README) on the last 12.000 words.
- Appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
- Frequency-of-use ranking in the wordfreq file: 42
Verb conjugation
Plain | |
Present | Loading... 稼ぐかせぐkasegu |
Negative | Loading... 稼がないかせがないkaseganai |
Past | Loading... 稼いだかせいだkaseida |
Past negative | Loading... 稼がなかったかせがなかったkaseganakatta |
Te form | Loading... 稼いでかせいでkaseide |
Tai form | Loading... 稼ぎたいかせぎたいkasegitai |
Volitional | Loading... 稼ごうかせごうkasegou |
Imperative | Loading... 稼げかせげkasege |
Passive | Loading... 稼がれるかせがれるkasegareru |
Conditional | Loading... 稼いだらかせいだらkaseidara |
Provisional conditional | Loading... 稼げばかせげばkasegeba |
Causative | Loading... 稼がせるかせがせるkasegaseru |
Potential | Loading... 稼げるかせげるkasegeru |
Keigo (polite) | |
Present | Loading... 稼ぎますかせぎますkasegimasu |
Negative | Loading... 稼ぎませんかせぎませんkasegimasen |
Past | Loading... 稼ぎましたかせぎましたkasegimashita |
Past negative | Loading... 稼ぎませんでしたかせぎませんでしたkasegimasendeshita |
Te form | Loading... 稼ぎましてかせぎましてkasegimashite |
Tai form | Loading... 稼ぎたいですかせぎたいですkasegitaidesu |
Volitional | Loading... 稼ぎましょうかせぎましょうkasegimashou |
Imperative | Loading... 稼いでくださいかせいでくださいkaseidekudasai |
Passive | Loading... 稼がれますかせがれますkasegaremasu |
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- 私は自分の生活費を稼がなくてはならない。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning