- noundisposition, temperament, temper, naturealso written as 気象
- aard, karakter, temperament, dispositie, natuur, inborst, inslag
- tempérament
- Charakter, Natur, Naturell, Temperament
- beosztás, intézkedés, természet, testalkat, alkat, vérmérséklet
- характер, темперамент, натура; дух; настроение
- forma de ser, carácter, temperamento
- sinnelag, kynne, temperament
How to write
Not available for this kanji.
Kanji in this word
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1222380
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL:
- Appears in the "wordfreq" file compiled by Alexandre Girardi (see wordfreq.README) on the last 12.000 words.
- Appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
- Frequency-of-use ranking in the wordfreq file: 28
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- 彼の気性は手に負えない。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- He has an uncontrollable temper.Il a un tempérament ingérable.