- nounnoun or participle taking the aux. verb するeven scale, equilibrium, balance, equalization, equalisation
- evenwicht, equilibre, balans, evenwichtigheid, {ook geol.} isostasie, {geneesk.} equilibrium
- équilibre, balance
- Gleichgewicht, Balance, Ausgleich
- egyensúly, ellensúly, higgadtság, maradék
- равновесие
- equilibrio, isostasia
How to write
Not available for this kanji.
Kanji in this word
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1507310
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL: https://jpdct.com/Fv_u
- Appears in the "wordfreq" file compiled by Alexandre Girardi (see wordfreq.README) on the last 12.000 words.
- This word is detected as being common, but is not included in other lists.
- Frequency-of-use ranking in the wordfreq file: 33
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- 彼は体の平衡を失って、ひっくり返った。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- Hij verloor zijn evenwicht en viel.He lost his balance and fell down.Il perdit l'équilibre et tomba.Er verlor das Gleichgewicht und fiel hin.Elvesztette az egyensúlyát és elesett.Он потерял равновесие и упал.Perdió el equilibrio y se cayó.