- Buddhism
- Words and expressions used in Buddhism, a religion widely extended in Japan. #Buddh
- noun
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n
- noun (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun
- noun or participle taking the aux. verb する
- noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru #vs
- intransitive verb
- intransitive verb #vi
- Buddhismnounnoun or participle taking the aux. verb するintransitive verbachieving nirvana
- nounnoun or participle taking the aux. verb するintransitive verbdeath
- {boeddh.} nirwana, nirvāṇa verwezenlijken, de verlichting bereiken
- overlijden, heengaan, sterven, ontslapen
- {boeddh.} nirwana, nirvāṇa
- overlijden, dood
- sterben, Nirvana
- Sterben
- halál, haláleset
- (буд.) небытие; нирвана, {~する} войти в нирвану; (обр.) скончаться
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