- popular
- Words commonly used in modern Japanese #popular
- search-only kana form
- search-only kana form #sk
- search-only kanji form
- search-only kanji form #sK
- JLPT N4 words: Elementary Level #jlpt4
- food, cooking
- Terms related to food and how to cook it. #food
- noun
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n
- noun (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun
- usually written using kana alone
- Words and expressions which are always written using hiragana or katakana. #uk
- derogatory
- Words or grammatical forms expressing a low opinion of someone or something. #derog
- slang
- Informal words or expressions likely to be interpreted by listeners as implying particular attitudes on the part of the speaker. #sl
- jocular, humorous term
- Words used to create experiences can make people laugh or feel happy. #joc
- expression
- Words or phrases, used to convey an idea. #exp
- food, cookingnounmiso, fermented condiment usu. made from soybeans(explanation)
- nouninnards (from crabs, shrimps, etc.) resembling miso
- usually written using kana alonenounkey point, main point, good part (of something)usu. as ミソ
- derogatorynounweakling, weak person
- usually written using kana aloneslangjocular, humorous termexpressiontry
- see also:見る
imperative; after the -te form of a verb; pun on 見ろ
- miso {gefermenteerd mengsel van gestoomde sojabonen, zout en een uit rijst, tarwe of sojabonen bereid gistmiddel}
- punt waar men trots op is, troef, attractie, charme, fort
- op miso lijkende substantie in schaaldieren
- miso, condiment fermenté à base de soja en général
- entrailles (des crabes, des crevettes, etc.) ressemblant au miso
- moment clé (principal), bonne partie (de quelque chose)
- personne faible
- Miso (Paste aus vergorenen Sojabohnen)
- 1) мисо (густая масса из перебродивших соевых бобов; служит для приготовления супов и в качестве приправы), 2) сильная сторона, предмет гордости
- miso (sopa japonesa)
How to write
Not available for this kanji.
Kanji in this word
Collocations and expressions using 味噌
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1527040
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL: https://jpdct.com/F00A
- Appears in the "wordfreq" file compiled by Alexandre Girardi (see wordfreq.README) on the last 12.000 words.
- Appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
- Frequency-of-use ranking in the wordfreq file: 32
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- この電子辞書は携帯しやすいところが味噌です。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- Het handige van dit elektronische woordenboek is dat je het makkelijk mee kan nemen.The good thing about this electronic dictionary is that it's easy to carry.Le bon coté de ce dictionnaire électronique est qu'on peut facilement l'emporter avec soi.Das Gute an diesem elektronischen Wörterbuch ist, dass man es leicht mit sich führen kann.A parte boa desse dicionário eletrônico é que ele é fácil de carregar.Lo bueno de este diccionario electrónico es que es fácil de portar.