- ポテトチップスポテトチップスpotetochippusuポテト・チップスポテト・チップスpoteto/chippusu
- food, cookingnounpotato chips, potato crisps
- {cul.} aardappelchips, chips
- Kartoffelchips
- чипсы
- patatas fritas (eng: potato chips, potato crisps)
Is potato in Japanese jagaimo ジャガイモ or poteto ポテト?
Potato was introduced in Japan by Dutch traders and since then it has been extensively used in Japanese cuisine. There are two different words in Japanese to say potato: ジャガイモ and ポテト.
- Jagaimo - ジャガイモ
ジャガイモ is commonly used when talking about the raw vegetable or when it's cooked in a Japanese or Asian way. It's believed the potato was originally brought from Jakarta to southern Japan (Kyushu) by Dutch traders.
English Japanese Meat and potato stew 肉じゃが - Poteto - ポテト
When the potato is cooked in a western way, the word ポテト is used instead. Some examples:
AdvertisementExtended information
- JMDict ID: 1125420
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL:
- Common loanword, based on the wordfreq file.
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- もっとポテトチップスをご自由に召し上がれ。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- Help yourself to more potato chips.Vegyél még csipszet!Sirva-se de mais batatas fritas.Servite más papas fritas.