
List: Transitive Tadooshi Verb

List: Transitive Tadooshi Verb
Number of entries
Creation date
28 January 2024 - 20:02
Last updated
19 September 2024 - 15:01
Showing 201 - 210 of 221 words for the list Transitive Tadooshi Verb.

Wordpopular  rarely used kanji form  JLPT N1  Ichidan verb  verb (generic)  transitive verb  intransitive verb 

  • to be temperate in, to refrain, to abstain, to hold back, to restrain oneself from excessive ...
  • to make notes, to jot down (e.g. phone number)
  • to be in preparation for, to be in waiting for
  • to be soon, to be in the offing
  • to be in a close relationship (e.g. as a backer, etc.)

Wordpopular  JLPT N1  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to attack, to assail, to make an assault, to strike, to hunt down
  • to succeed (someone in a post, role, etc.)
  • to make a sudden visit

Wordpopular  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  transitive verb 

  • input, (data) entry

Wordpopular  rarely used kanji form  JLPT N1  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to hum (a tune), to sing to oneself, to croon

Wordpopular  JLPT N1  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  transitive verb 

  • excavation, exhumation, digging up, unearthing
  • discovery (of a new fact, talent, etc.), finding, unearthing

Wordpopular  JLPT N1  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  transitive verb 

  • temptation, allurement, lure, enticement, seduction

Wordpopular  JLPT N3  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  transitive verb  martial arts 

  • guidance, leadership, instruction, direction, coaching
  • shido (minor penalty in judo)

Wordpopular  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  transitive verb  intransitive verb 

  • starting (a machine, engine, etc.)
  • starting (a project, plan, etc.), beginning, initiation, going into action

Wordpopular  JLPT N3  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to take (by force), to take away, to snatch, to steal, to rob (someone) of, to dispossess of, to deprive of, to usurp
  • to absorb (one's attention), to fascinate, to captivate, to charm, to dazzle

Wordpopular  JLPT N2  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to shine on, to illuminate
  • to compare (with), to refer to
