List: 進撃の巨人E1
List: 進撃の巨人E1
- Description
- Visibility
- Public
- Owner
- Number of entries
- 231
- Contains
- Words
- Creation date
- 1 March 2025 - 08:47
- Last updated
- 13 March 2025 - 01:36
Wordpopular JLPT N1 noun noun (generic)
- domestic animals, livestock, cattle
Wordpopular JLPT N2 い adjective adjective (generic)
- brave, valiant, gallant, courageous
- stirring, vigorous, rousing
Wordpopular JLPT N4 godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) intransitive verb transitive verb computing mathematics food, cooking sports
- to open, to undo, to unseal, to unpack
- to bloom, to unfold, to spread out
- to open (for business, e.g. in the morning)
- to be wide (gap, etc.), to widen
- to hold (meeting, party, etc.), to give, to open
- to found (nation, dynasty, sect, etc.), to open (a new business), to set up, to establish, to start
- to open (ports, borders, etc.)
- to open (an account)
- to open up (new land, path, etc.), to clear, to develop
- to open (a file, etc.)
- to extract (root), to reduce (equation)
- to cut open (fish)
- to change (kanji into hiragana)
- to flare (e.g. skirt)
- to slacken (into a poor posture)
Wordpopular noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb する intransitive verb
- triumphant return, returning in triumph
- nothing but, except, no more than
Wordpopular rarely used kanji form JLPT N5 godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) transitive verb intransitive verb
- to wait
- to await, to look forward to, to anticipate
- to depend on, to need
WordIchidan verb verb (generic) intransitive verb
- to be eaten, to be bitten (e.g. by bugs)
- to be outdone, to be upstaged
Wordauxiliary verb verb (generic) godan verb godan verb (archaic) Kantou-ben
- to do completely
- to do accidentally, to do without meaning to, to happen to do
Wordpopular rarely used kanji form JLPT N1 usually written using kana alone adverb
- expressly, especially, specially, taking the trouble (to do), going to the trouble of (doing), going out of one's way (to do)
- intentionally, deliberately, on purpose
Wordpopular JLPT N5 Ichidan verb verb (generic) intransitive verb vulgar expression or word
- to leave, to exit, to go out, to come out, to get out
- to leave (on a journey), to depart, to start out, to set out
- to move forward
- to come to, to get to, to lead to, to reach
- to appear, to come out, to emerge, to surface, to come forth, to turn up, to be found, to be detected, to be discovered, to be exposed, to show, to be exhibited, to be on display
- to appear (in print), to be published, to be announced, to be issued, to be listed, to come out
- to attend, to participate, to take part, to enter (an event), to play in, to perform
- to be stated, to be expressed, to come up, to be brought up, to be raised
- to sell
- to exceed, to go over
- to stick out, to protrude
- to break out, to occur, to start, to originate
- to be produced
- to come from, to be derived from
- to be given, to get, to receive, to be offered, to be provided, to be presented, to be submitted, to be handed in, to be turned in, to be paid
- to answer (phone, door, etc.), to get
- to assume (an attitude), to act, to behave
- to pick up (speed, etc.), to gain
- to flow (e.g. tears), to run, to bleed
- to graduate
- to ejaculate, to cum