List: なAdjectives
List: なAdjectives
- Description
- Visibility
- Public
- Owner
- Number of entries
- 181
- Contains
- Words
- Creation date
- 28 January 2024 - 17:37
- Last updated
- 31 January 2025 - 12:57
Wordpopular rarely used kanji form JLPT N1 な adjective adjective (generic) noun noun (generic)
- cruel, brutal, ruthless, merciless, inhuman
Wordpopular な adjective adjective (generic) noun noun (generic) noun (suffix)
- method, manner, way, style
- appearance, air
- tendency
- folk song (genre of the Shi Jing)
- wind (one of the five elements)
Wordpopular JLPT N2 な adjective adjective (generic) noun noun (generic) colloquial adverb
- plain, simple, subdued, sober
- reserved (behaviour, attitude, etc.), modest, quiet, unobtrusive
- quite, a (little) bit
Wordpopular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) な adjective adjective (generic)
- anxiety, uneasiness, worry, apprehension, fear, insecurity, suspense
Wordpopular な adjective adjective (generic) noun taking the genitive case particle の noun noun (generic) colloquial interjection adverb
- worst
- horrible, horrid, awful, terrible
- in the worst case, if worst comes to worst
Wordpopular search-only kana form ateji rarely used kanji form JLPT N3 な adjective adjective (generic)
- lovely, wonderful, nice, great, splendid, marvellous, fantastic, superb
Wordpopular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) な adjective adjective (generic)
- happiness, well-being, joy, welfare, blessedness
Wordpopular JLPT N2 な adjective adjective (generic) noun noun (generic)
- obedient, meek, docile, unaffected
- honest, frank, upfront (about one's feelings)
- straight (e.g. hair)
- without peculiarity, without mannerisms, standard, neat (e.g. handwriting)
Wordpopular JLPT N3 な adjective adjective (generic) noun noun (generic) adverb taking the と particle
- wonderful, marvelous, strange, incredible, amazing, curious, miraculous, mysterious
- strangely enough, oddly enough, for some reason, curiously
Wordpopular obsolete reading JLPT N2 な adjective adjective (generic) noun taking the genitive case particle の noun noun (generic)
- pure white
- blank (e.g. mind, paper)