List: idiomatic expression
Expressions, words, or phrases that have a figurative meaning conventionally understood by native speakers.
idiomatic expression expression ใ adjective adjective (generic)
- mere shadow of one's former self, having no trace left (of former glories, talent, looks, etc.), unrecognizable (as the person one used to be), unrecognisable
idiomatic expression expression
- so miserable that it is painful to look at, can't bear to look at, painful to watch
idiomatic expression expression ใ adjective adjective (generic)
- (so miserable that it is) painful to look at, painful to watch
idiomatic expression expression Ichidan verb verb (generic)
- to be sharp, to be keen, to be on the ball, to have a mind like a steel trap, to be clever
idiomatic expression Buddhism expression noun noun (generic)
- unlikely event, rare occurrence
search-only kanji form idiomatic expression expression noun noun (generic)
- something intended as a lie or joke which (by chance) ends up being true, lie turned truth
obsolete kanji idiomatic expression expression
- be careful about fire, watch out for fire
idiomatic expression expression
- turning to God only in one's trouble
idiomatic expression expression
- to have a narrow view of things
idiomatic expression expression
- Everything depends on how you look at it