List: dated term
popular JLPT N2 noun noun (generic) dated term
- balloon (toy or decoration)
- balloon (hot-air or gas)
popular search-only kanji form JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) dated term
- light, glow, gleam
- (a) light, lights, lamp
- proof (of innocence)
popular rarely used kanji form JLPT N1 dated term noun noun (generic)
- (female) childcare worker, nursery school teacher
popular baseball noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb する intransitive verb sports dated term
- throw
- pass (in basketball, etc.)
- handball
popular rarely used kanji form search-only kanji form JLPT N4 godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) transitive verb dated term
- to enjoy, to take pleasure in, to have a good time, to have fun, to amuse oneself
- to look forward to
popular JLPT N1 noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb する intransitive verb dated term
- dropping out of school, withdrawal from school
- expulsion from school, dismissal
- leaving school (university, etc.) after completing a course
popular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb する transitive verb dated term な adjective adjective (generic)
- invention
- intelligent, clever, smart
popular JLPT N1 godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) transitive verb dated term
- to encourage, to cheer on, to cheer (someone) up
- to raise (one's voice)
popular noun noun (generic) dated term
- ball game (e.g. baseball, tennis, soccer)
- billiards
popular dated term sensitive noun noun (generic)
- feeble-mindedness, intellectual disability