
List: colloquial

Words not used in formal speech, writing or paralinguistics.

Showing 411 - 420 of 1971 words for the list colloquial. #col

usually written using kana alone  colloquial  い adjective  adjective (generic) 

  • cute, pretty

usually written using kana alone  noun  noun (generic)  abbreviation  food, cooking  colloquial 

  • draining basket (traditionally made of bamboo), colander, strainer, sieve
  • something full of holes
  • zaru soba
  • strong drinker, someone who can drink like a fish

usually written using kana alone  noun  noun (generic)  colloquial 

  • mole cricket (esp. the Oriental mole cricket, Gryllotalpa orientalis)
  • being penniless, being broke

usually written using kana alone  noun  noun (generic)  colloquial 

  • large snake
  • heavy drinking, heavy drinker

derogatory  colloquial  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb する  intransitive verb 

  • woman or girl who acts cute by playing innocent and helpless

sumo  noun  noun (generic)  colloquial 

  • the 48 basic techniques
  • every trick in the book
  • the 48 basic sexual positions

rarely used kanji form  JLPT N1  usually written using kana alone  humble language  noun  noun (generic)  colloquial 

  • son
  • punk, brat
  • penis

popular  search-only kana form  rarely used kanji form  search-only kanji form  JLPT N2  usually written using kana alone  food, cooking  noun  noun (generic)  colloquial  music  vulgar expression or word  slang 

  • small dish (usu. one of several accompanying rice), side dish
  • fill, fill-in (drumming)
  • jack-off material, something to masturbate to

noun  noun (generic)  colloquial  historical term 

  • bleaching, soaking
  • bleached cotton (esp. wrapped around the torso)
  • doxxing, doxing, making someone's private information public without permission
  • public humiliation (Edo-period punishment)

たる adjective  adjective (generic)  adverb taking the ãĻ particle  colloquial  noun or participle taking the aux. verb する  noun (generic) 

  • anguished, distressed, worried, discontented
  • horny
