List: search-only kana form
popular search-only kana form search-only kanji form noun noun (generic)
- emoji
- pictorial symbol, pictograph, pictogram
- ASCII art
popular search-only kana form JLPT N1 female term usually written using kana alone pronoun
- I, me
popular irregular reading search-only kana form rarely used kanji form usually written using kana alone pre-noun adjectival adjective (generic)
- such, like that, that sort of
popular search-only kana form noun noun (generic) colloquial
- thigh
- buttocks, arse, ass, butt
popular search-only kana form search-only kanji form usually written using kana alone い adjective adjective (generic)
- attractive, good-looking, stylish, cool, smooth, neat, with-it, groovy
popular search-only kana form usually written using kana alone noun taking the genitive case particle の adjective (generic) な adjective noun noun (generic)
- piping hot, scalding
- madly in love, passionately in love
popular search-only kana form search-only kanji form JLPT N3 godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) intransitive verb
- to notice, to realize, to realise, to become aware (of), to perceive, to sense, to suspect
- to regain consciousness, to come to (one's senses), to come round
popular search-only kana form rarely used kanji form search-only kanji form food, cooking noun noun (generic)
- takoyaki, octopus dumplings
popular search-only kana form rarely used kanji form search-only kanji form JLPT N1 usually written using kana alone godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) transitive verb
- to scatter, to disseminate (e.g. a rumor), to spread (e.g. germs), to broadcast
- to distribute widely (e.g. leaflets), to hand out freely, to spend recklessly
popular search-only kana form expression
- have to do, must, should, ought to