
List: sports

Terms which reference to more than one sport.

Showing 1 - 10 of 643 words for the list sports. #sports

popular  JLPT N1  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  intransitive verb  sports 

  • advance (into a new market, industry, etc.), expansion (into), launch (into), entering, making inroads (into)
  • advance (to the next round of a competition)

popular  JLPT N1  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  transitive verb  chemistry  abbreviation  sports 

  • stipulation, prescription, provision, regulation, rule
  • normal (unit of normality)
  • compulsory exercise (in gymnastics), compulsory routine, compulsory dance (figure skating), (a) compulsory

popular  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  intransitive verb  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  adjective (generic)  sports 

  • starting in advance, starting first, going first, going ahead
  • starting (in team sports)

popular  search-only kana form  noun  noun (generic)  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  adjective (generic)  baseball  sports 

  • right wing (politics)
  • right wing (of a bird or aircraft)
  • right wing (of an army, building, etc.), right flank
  • right field, right fielder
  • right wing (in soccer, rugby, etc.)
  • high (academic) standing, high class ranking

popular  search-only kana form  noun  noun (generic)  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  adjective (generic)  baseball  sports 

  • left wing (politics)
  • left wing (of a bird or aircraft)
  • left wing (of an army, building, etc.), left flank
  • left field, left fielder
  • left wing (in soccer, rugby, etc.)

popular  sports  noun  noun (generic) 

  • semifinal

popular  JLPT N1  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  intransitive verb  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  adjective (generic)  sports  horse racing 

  • going ahead, going first
  • preceding, coming before, being ahead (e.g. of the times), occurring first, happening prior
  • scoring first, getting off to a lead
  • stalker

popular  noun  noun (generic)  sports 

  • middle stage, middle phase, middle game, midpoint
  • midfield (in soccer)

popular  noun  noun (generic)  sports 

  • commander-in-chief, supreme commander
  • captain (of a team)

popular  sports  noun  noun (generic)  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  adjective (generic) 

  • having more wins than losses
  • taking the lead (in points, goals, etc.)
