lists: Field of application
Words classified by their field of application. For example: manga, computing, architecture, etc.
Business Top
#bus Business
134 entriesTerms used in business, common terminology and acronyms in business plans, accounting, finance, and other aspects of small business.
#econ Economics
125 entriesTerms used in the social science which studies economic activity: how people make choices to get what they want.
#finc Finance
364 entriesTerms used in finance, mostly related to businesses and how they make money.
#law Law
777 entriesTerms used in law, commonly used by lawyers and judges.
#stockm Stock market
34 entriesStock market terminology.
#tradem Trademark
138 entriesWords that are trademarks and represent a commercial product.
Entertainment Top
#audvid Audiovisual
1 entriesTerms used in audiovisual, the electronic media possessing both a sound and a visual component.
#film Film
31 entriesTerms used in movies, cinematography, etc.
#kabuki Kabuki
25 entriesTerms used in kabuki, a classical form of Japanese drama.
#manga Manga
1 entriesTerms used in manga, the Japanese comics and graphic novels.
#noh Noh
26 entriesTerms used in noh, a classical form of Japanese drama.
#tv Television
15 entriesWords used in television.
#vidg Video games
198 entriesVocabulary and slang from videogames.
Hobbies Top
#aviat Aviation
53 entriesTerms used in aviation, the activities surrounding mechanical flight and the aircraft industry.
#cards Card games
133 entriesTerms used in card games such as poker, etc.
#food Food, cooking
1,549 entriesTerms related to food and how to cook it.
#gardn Gardening, horticulture
5 entriesTerms related with the practice of growing and cultivating plants.
#go Go (game)
76 entriesVocabulary related with the game of Go, considered the oldest board games still being played.
#hanaf Hanafuda
109 entriesWords related with the cards of hanafuda
#mahj Mahjong
280 entriesTerms used in mahjong, a game for four players that was created in China.
#music Music
733 entriesMusic terminology, used in music composition or in different musical styles.
#photo Photography
78 entriesWords related with photography.
#rail Railway
30 entriesWords related with trains.
#shogi Shogi
104 entriesTerms used in shogi, a game also known as Japanese chess.
Humanities Top
#Buddh Buddhism
1,342 entriesWords and expressions used in Buddhism, a religion widely extended in Japan.
#Christn Christianity
161 entriesWords and expressions used in Christianity, the world's largest religion, but a minority religion in Japan.
#Shinto Shinto
123 entriesWords and expressions used in Shinto, an ethnic religion of the people of Japan.
#art Art, aesthetics
88 entriesTerms used in art and aesthetics, the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of beauty and taste.
#gramm Grammar
409 entriesWords used to define grammatical terms.
#grmyth Greek mythology
61 entriesWords used in the ancient Greek mythology.
#ling Linguistics
566 entriesTerms used in the study of the languages.
#phil Philosophy
174 entriesPhilosophical terms.
#politics Politics
12 entriesTerms used in politics, the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals.
#rommyth Roman mythology
32 entriesWords used in the ancient Roman mythology.
Science Top
#agric Agriculture
21 entriesVocabulary related with the practice of cultivating plants and livestock.
#anat Anatomy
613 entriesTerms used by anatomists and zoologists, in scientific journals, textbooks, and by doctors and other health professionals.
#archeol Archeology
24 entriesTerms used in archaeology, the study of the human past.
#archit Architecture
119 entriesTerms used in architecture, used in the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings and other physical structures.
#astron Astronomy
586 entriesTerms used in the study of the universe and stars, planets and galaxies as well as other things.
#biochem Biochemistry
66 entriesTerms used in biochemistry, the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms.
#biol Biology
431 entriesTerms used in the science of life and living things, and their evolution.
#bot Botany
218 entriesTerms used in the science of the study of plants.
#chem Chemistry
722 entriesTerms used in science that deals with chemical elements and compounds, and how these things work together.
#cryst Crystallography
9 entriesTerms used in crystalography, the experimental science of determining the arrangement of atoms in crystalline solids.
#dent Dentistry
19 entriesTerms used in dentistry, the branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of diseases and other conditions that affect the teeth and gums.
#ecol Ecology
6 entriesTerms used in ecology, the study of the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment.
#engr Engineering
60 entriesTerms used in many of the different branches of the engineering.
#ent Entomology
8 entriesTerms used in entomology, the scientific study of insects.
#genet Genetics
46 entriesTerms used in genetics, a branch of biology concerned with the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in organisms.
#geogr Geography
4 entriesTerms used in geology, a field of science devoted to the study of the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of the Earth.
#geol Geology
302 entriesTerms used in the study of the nonliving things that the Earth is made of.
#geom Geometry
48 entriesTerms used in the kind of mathematics that studies the size, shapes, and positions of things.
#logic Logic
46 entriesTerms used in logic, the study of correct reasoning or good arguments.
#math Mathematics
1,191 entriesTerms used in mathematics, the study of numbers, shapes and patterns.
#mech Mechanical engineering
4 entriesTerms used in mechanical engineering, the engineering branch that combines engineering physics and mathematics principles with materials science, to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems.
#med Medicine
2,175 entriesTerms used in medicine, the science that deals with diseases (illnesses) in humans and animals.
#met Meteorology
45 entriesTerms used in meteorology, the branch of the atmospheric sciences with a major focus on weather forecasting.
#mining Mining
7 entriesTerms used in mining, the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the Earth.
#ornith Ornithology
12 entriesTerms used in ornithology, the branch of zoology dedicated to the study of birds.
#paleo Paleontology
1 entriesTerms used in paleontology, the study of fossils of living things.
#pathol Pathology
1 entriesTerms used in pathology, the study of the causes and effects of disease or injury.
#pharm Pharmacology
74 entriesTerms used in pharmacology, the branch of medicine, biology and pharmaceutical sciences concerned with drug or medication action.
#physics Physics
748 entriesTerms used in the branch of science, is the study of all forces and their impacts on the environment.
#physiol Physiology
82 entriesTerms used in physiology, the study of how living things work.
#psy Psychiatry
28 entriesTerms used in psychiatry, the medical specialty devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders.
#psych Psychology
58 entriesTerms used in psychology, the scientific study of mind and behavior.
#stat Statistics
29 entriesTerms used in statistics, the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.
#zool Zoology
61 entriesTerms used in the science of studying animal life.
Sports Top
#MA Martial arts
198 entriesTerms used in Japanese martial arts like Judo, Kendo, Aikido, Ninjutsu among others.
#baseb Baseball
558 entriesTerms used in the game of baseball a sport widely played in Japan.
#fish Fishing
36 entriesTerms used in fishing, the activity of trying to catch fish.
#golf Golf
119 entriesWords used in the sport of golf.
#horse Horse racing
35 entriesWords related to the horse racing sport.
#ski Skiing
32 entriesTerms used in the sport of skiing.
#sports Sports
685 entriesTerms which reference to more than one sport.
#sumo Sumo
535 entriesTerms used in sumo, a Japanese full-contact sport.
Technology Top
#comp Computing
10,718 entriesTerms related to computers, Internet and technical support.
#elec Electricity, elec. eng.
65 entriesTerms used in electrical engineering, the discipline concerned with the study, design, and application of equipment, devices, and systems which use electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.
#electr Electronics
53 entriesTerms used in electronics, the branch of physics and electrical engineering that deals with the emission, behaviour and effects of electrons using electronic devices.
#telec Telecommunications
78 entriesWords related with the transmission of information by various types of technologies.
Others Top
#boxing Boxing
34 entriesBoxing
#chmyth Chinese mythology
5 entriesChinese mythology
#civeng Civil engineering
6 entriesCivil engineering
#cloth Clothing
58 entriesWords used in clothing, fabrics, etc.
#embryo Embryology
1 entriesEmbryology
#figskt Figure skating
19 entriesFigure skating
#internet Internet
197 entriesInternet
#jpmyth Japanese mythology
17 entriesJapanese mythology
#mil Military
227 entriesMilitary terminology often used in the armed forces.
#min Mineralogy
16 entriesMineralogy
#motor Motorsport
8 entriesMotorsport
#print Printing
129 entriesTerms used in printing, process for mass reproducing text and images using a master form or template.
#prowres Professional wrestling
36 entriesProfessional wrestling
#psyanal Psychoanalysis
8 entriesTerms used in psychoanalysis, the set of theories and therapeutic techniques that deal in part with the unconscious mind.
#surg Surgery
6 entriesSurgery
#vet Veterinary terms
8 entriesVeterinary terms