
List: noh

Terms used in noh, a classical form of Japanese drama.

Showing 11 - 20 of 22 words for the list noh. #noh

noh  noun  noun (generic) 

  • hannya, mask of a grinning, horned demoness which represents a woman's rage and jealousy
  • dreadful face (esp. of a woman driven mad by jealousy), terrifying facial expression

noh  noun  noun (generic) 

  • kyogen performer, comic actor

noh  noun  noun (generic) 

  • kyogen interlude, short scene during a noh play, performed by a kyogen actor (usu. explaining the play)

noh  noun  noun (generic) 

  • discrete kyogen (performed between two noh plays)

JLPT N1  archaic  noun  noun (generic)  noh 

  • inspector (third highest of the four administrative ranks of the ritsuryล system)
  • old man
  • white ash (of charcoal)

noh  noun  noun (generic) 

  • self-introduction (of a character)

noun  noun (generic)  usually written using kana alone  noh  hanafuda  mahjong  prefix  counter 

  • between (e.g. two people), face to face
  • hindrance, impediment
  • arrhythmic section of recitative
  • playing with only 2 players
  • prefix used for stress or emphasis
  • counter for traditional dance songs

noh  noun  noun (generic) 

  • rear part of a stage (where musicians are seated)

Buddhism  noun  noun (generic)  noh 

  • announcing meals (at a Zen monastery), meal announcer
  • noh mask resembling a young attendant who announces mealtimes in a Zen monastery

noun  noun (generic)  noh 

  • ghost that appears at sea during a shipwreck
  • something strange or suspicious
  • mask for roles involving dead or ghost characters
