
List: medicine

Terms used in medicine, the science that deals with diseases (illnesses) in humans and animals.

Showing 101 - 110 of 2101 words for the list medicine. #med

popular  rarely used kanji form  JLPT N1  medicine  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  intransitive verb  usually written using kana alone 

  • paralysis, palsy, stupor
  • numbness, loss of sensation
  • standstill, state of paralysis, inability to take action

popular  medicine  noun  noun (generic) 

  • stomach ulcer, gastric ulcer

popular  medicine  noun  noun (generic) 

  • syphilis

popular  medicine  noun  noun (generic) 

  • enteritis

popular  medicine  noun  noun (generic) 

  • nephritis, inflammation of the kidneys

popular  JLPT N1  noun  noun (generic)  noun (suffix)  medicine 

  • shock (emotional)
  • shock (physical), impact, jolt
  • crisis (esp. financial), event that rattles the markets
  • (circulatory) shock

popular  JLPT N4  noun  noun (generic)  go (game)  medicine 

  • stone
  • jewel, precious stone
  • flint (in a lighter)
  • stone
  • stone (in the bladder, kidney etc.), calculus

popular  search-only kanji form  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  intransitive verb  medicine 

  • stoppage, blocking
  • infarction, infarct

popular  search-only kanji form  medicine  noun  noun (generic) 

  • depression

popular  medicine  noun  noun (generic) 

  • blood test, hemanalysis
