
List: mahjong

Terms used in mahjong, a game for four players that was created in China.

Showing 131 - 140 of 280 words for the list mahjong. #mahj

mahjong  noun  noun (generic) 

  • pung (or kong) of west tiles when west is both the round wind and one's seat wind (meld)

mahjong  noun  noun (generic) 

  • pung (or kong) of north tiles when north is both the round wind and one's seat wind (meld)

usually written using kana alone  mahjong  noun  noun (generic) 

  • giving up on winning a hand and discarding only safe tiles

mahjong  noun  noun (generic) 

  • giving up on winning a hand and discarding only safe tiles

mahjong  noun  noun (generic) 

  • discarding somewhat safe tiles while still trying to win a hand

mahjong  noun  noun (generic) 

  • win worth 18000 points as dealer

search-only kanji form  abbreviation  usually written using kana alone  mahjong  noun  noun (generic) 

  • tanyao (winning hand containing no terminal tiles or honor tiles), all simples

abbreviation  mahjong  noun  noun (generic) 

  • having no end tiles or honor tiles and pinfu (common pair of melds)

mahjong  noun  noun (generic) 

  • combination of rฤซchi, tanyao, and pinfu (common trio of yaku)
้ †ๅญใ‚ทใƒฅใƒณใƒ„shuntsu

gairaigo  Chinese origin  mahjong  noun  noun (generic) 

  • chow, three-in-a-row
