List: Japanese mythology
popular irregular reading rarely used kanji form noun noun (generic) Japanese mythology
- ancient time, age of the gods, mythological age
- time before the ascension of Emperor Jimmu
Japanese mythology noun noun (generic)
- mizuchi, aquatic, dragon-like beast with four feet, horns and poisonous breath
- unfulfilled genius, dormant talent
noun noun (generic) Japanese mythology
- jorล spider (Trichonephila clavata)
- spider yลkai
Japanese mythology noun noun (generic) zoology
- umibลzu, sea yลkai, resembling a huge bald-headed black figure, sea monster, sea goblin
- green turtle
noun noun (generic) Japanese mythology
- plaster or mortar-covered wall
- yลkai resembling an invisible wall impeding or misdirecting people walking at night
Japanese mythology noun noun (generic)
- nekomata, fork-tailed cat yลkai
- giant beast that inhabits the mountains
search-only kana form search-only kanji form Japanese mythology noun noun (generic)
- god who causes calamities
- evil gods (who cause sin, etc.)
obsolete kanji rarely used kanji form poetical term noun noun (generic) Japanese mythology
- moon
- Tsukuyomi (god of the Moon)
search-only kanji form archaic Japanese mythology noun noun (generic)
- Japan
obsolete reading Japanese mythology noun noun (generic)
- mizuchi, aquatic, dragon-like beast with four feet, horns and poisonous breath