List: Internet
search-only kana form Internet noun noun (generic)
- mailing list
noun noun (generic) noun (suffix) slang Internet
- broken piece
- below (a certain level, point, quantity, etc.), dropping below
- illegal downloading and distribution of commercial software, warez
noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ intransitive verb Internet
- sudden rise, steep climb
- trending
search-only kana form Internet noun noun (generic) video games
- home page, web page, website
- horsepower, HP
- half-pipe (in snowboarding, skateboarding, etc.)
- hit point
Internet noun noun (generic)
- netizen
Internet noun noun (generic)
- instant message, IM
Internet noun noun (generic)
- web browser
Internet noun noun (generic)
- web browser
Internet noun noun (generic)
- streaming
Internet noun noun (generic)
- chat room