List: geology
Terms used in the study of the nonliving things that the Earth is made of.
geology noun noun (generic)
- diorite
geology noun noun (generic)
- gabbro
noun (suffix) noun (generic) biology noun geology
- community, circles, world
- kingdom
- erathem
- field (electrical)
- border, boundary, division
geology paleontology noun noun (generic)
- index fossil, zone fossil, guide fossil, indicator fossil
astronomy geology noun noun (generic)
- colour index, color index
noun noun (generic) geology
- hot water, boiling water
- hydrothermal water, hydrothermal solution
geology noun noun (generic)
- giant's kettle, giant's cauldron, pothole
geology noun noun (generic)
- cirque, corrie, cwm
geology noun noun (generic)
- druse, globular calcium oxalate crystals, often lining a rock cavity
geology noun noun (generic)
- lithosphere