List: computing
Terms related to computers, Internet and technical support.
popular computing noun noun (generic) abbreviation mathematics
- log
- log, logarithm
- log (tree trunk or branch)
- logbook (of a ship or aircraft)
- log (device for measuring the speed of a ship)
popular noun noun (generic) computing
- logo
- Logo (programming language)
popular computing noun noun (generic)
- workstation
popular noun noun (generic) computing
- word
- word
computing noun noun (generic) colloquial
- flag, boolean value
- something that foreshadows a future event or outcome (in a film, novel, etc.)
computing noun noun (generic)
- memory card
computing noun noun (generic)
- archiver
computing noun noun (generic)
- availability
computing noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ transitive verb intransitive verb
- abort
computing noun noun (generic)
- (structured) walk through