List: business
Terms used in business, common terminology and acronyms in business plans, accounting, finance, and other aspects of small business.
business noun noun (generic)
- (written) proposal
business noun noun (generic)
- corporate plan
business noun noun (generic)
- corporate strategy
business noun noun (generic)
- chief executive officer, CEO
business noun noun (generic)
- gross profit, gross margin
biology noun noun (generic) business
- generic name, genus name
- generic name
business finance noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ intransitive verb
- price movement, price fluctuation
search-only kanji form Ichidan verb verb (generic) transitive verb business
- to replace, to change (for a new one), to renew
- to reassign (an expense), to charge (to a different account), to shift (a loss)
business law noun noun (generic)
- limited liability
business noun noun (generic)
- buying for immediate requirements, buying just enough to fulfil one's needs, spot purchasing