

obsolete reading  obsolete kanji  noun  noun (generic) 

  • teapot-like object made typically of lacquerware and used to pour hot and cold liquids
  • basin of water with two handles on either side used for washing one's face or hands

obsolete reading  usually written using kana alone  noun  noun (generic) 

  • Japanese dock (Rumex japonicus)

obsolete reading  noun  noun (generic) 

  • vegetable-based food (incl. nuts, berries, etc., but excl. all meat and fish)
่ชฐใ—ใ‚‚ใ ใ‚Œใ—ใ‚‚dareshimo

obsolete reading  expression 

  • everyone, anyone
  • no one

obsolete reading  noun  noun (generic) 

  • doe (female deer)

obsolete reading  numeric  noun  noun (generic) 

  • 500, five hundred
  • many

obsolete reading  numeric 

  • 700, seven hundred

obsolete reading  noun  noun (generic)  Buddhism 

  • flower basket
  • flower basket (or plate) used for flower-scattering rituals
็“ ใฒใ•ใ”hisago

obsolete reading  archaic  noun  noun (generic) 

  • gourd, calabash, bottle gourd
  • dried gourd, used as flask

obsolete reading  usually written using kana alone  noun  noun (generic) 

  • Chinese fan palm (Livistona chinensis)
