

popular  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  su verb - precursor to the modern suru  transitive verb 

  • to love

godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic) 

  • to drive mad, to make insane
  • to cause a malfunction, to put out of order, to throw out of kilter
  • to derail (a plan, etc.)

usually written using kana alone  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to comb out, to brush, to untangle, to unravel

godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to cuddle, to comfort, to rock, to soothe, to dandle, to humor, to humour, to lull

colloquial  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  intransitive verb 

  • to be smart, to be cool, to be sharp, to be stylish

godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to tinker with, to fumble with, to fiddle with, to twiddle

godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  intransitive verb 

  • to be in confusion or commotion, to be in a turmoil, to be crowded or jammed with people
ใ•ใ‚‰ใ‘ๅ‡บใ™ใ•ใ‚‰ใ‘ใ ใ™sarakedasu

search-only kanji form  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to expose, to disclose, to lay bare, to confess

colloquial  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to leave (something) undone, to neglect (a duty, task, etc.), to break (a promise, appointment, etc.), to stand (someone) up

colloquial  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic) 

  • to make love
