

onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  verb (generic)  noun (generic) 

  • jerkily

onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  verb (generic)  noun (generic)  ใช adjective  adjective (generic) 

  • creakily
  • close (i.e. with no room to spare)

onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  verb (generic)  noun (generic) 

  • glaringly (staring)

onomatopoeic or mimetic word  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  adjective (generic)  ใช adjective  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle 

  • soggy, soaking, drenched
  • incessantly (complaining)

onomatopoeic or mimetic word  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  adjective (generic)  ใช adjective  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  noun (generic) 

  • jumbled, disarrayed, messy

onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  verb (generic)  noun (generic)  ใช adjective  adjective (generic)  noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ  colloquial 

  • with a scraping sound, with a grating sound, with a scratching sound
  • with force, hard, vigorously
  • forcibly (carry out), forcefully, in a pushy manner
  • hard (e.g. food), stiff (e.g. clothing)
  • inflexible, uncompromising, dyed-in-the-wool
  • hardcore, serious, genuine, bona fide, true, real

onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle 

  • with gusto, freely, without any restraint, without giving a second thought

onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  verb (generic)  noun (generic) 

  • jingling, jangling, clinking, chinking
  • lasciviously, coquettishly

onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb taking the ใจ particle  adverb 

  • smoothly, frictionlessly, easily

onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb taking the ใจ particle  adverb 

  • slowly and quietly
  • smoothly
