

popular  onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  verb (generic)  noun (generic)  ใช adjective  adjective (generic) 

  • gently (raining), drizzling
  • moist, damp

popular  search-only kana form  onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  verb (generic)  noun (generic) 

  • downheartedly, dejectedly, dispiritedly, despondently

popular  JLPT N1  onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle 

  • (slowly and) carefully, without haste, thoroughly, deliberately, closely, meticulously

popular  onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  verb (generic)  noun (generic) 

  • damp, humid, wet, clammy, muggy, soggy
  • gloomy, melancholy, depressing

popular  onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle 

  • splashing (water), splashing about, with a splash
  • vigorously, generously (e.g. pouring sauce), plenty
  • greatly (using or making money)

popular  JLPT N4  onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle 

  • all, completely, totally, entirely, thoroughly

popular  JLPT N2  onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  verb (generic)  noun (generic) 

  • refreshingly, with a feeling of relief, pleasantly, (a weight) off one's shoulder
  • shapely, neatly, refinedly
  • cleanly, without trouble
  • clearly, plainly, distinctly
  • completely, thoroughly
  • not at all (with negative sentence), not even slightly

popular  onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle 

  • (sleeping) peacefully, quietly, soundly

popular  obsolete reading  JLPT N1  onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle  ใช adjective  adjective (generic) 

  • (dragging a large or heavy item) slowly
  • (falling) little by little, (slipping) gradually, (drawing back) slowly, with a slither
  • on and on, while putting off, slovenly, interminably
  • with a slurp, with a sniffle
  • loose, lax, inconclusive, unresolved

popular  onomatopoeic or mimetic word  adverb  adverb taking the ใจ particle  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  verb (generic)  noun (generic) 

  • restlessly, hurriedly, agitatedly, fidgeting
