

popular  JLPT N4  Ichidan verb  verb (generic)  intransitive verb 

  • to break, to be smashed
  • to split, to crack, to fissure, to be torn
  • to be divided (opinion, vote, etc.), to split (e.g. of a party)
  • to come to light, to become clear, to be identified, to be revealed
  • to become distorted (of sound), to clip
  • to be divisible (without a remainder)
  • to drop below a minimum

popular  JLPT N3  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใ™ใ‚‹  intransitive verb 

  • signal, signalling, signaling
  • traffic light, traffic signal

popular  obsolete kanji  JLPT N3  male term  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb  colloquial  vulgar expression or word 

  • to eat
  • to live, to make a living, to survive
  • to bite, to sting (as insects do)
  • to tease, to torment, to taunt, to make light of, to make fun of
  • to encroach on, to eat into, to consume
  • to defeat a superior, to threaten a position
  • to consume time and-or resources
  • to receive something (usu. an unfavourable event)
  • to have sexual relations with a woman, esp. for the first time

popular  rarely used kanji form  JLPT N3  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  intransitive verb 

  • to shine, to sparkle, to twinkle, to glitter, to glisten
  • to light up (with happiness, hope, etc.), to beam, to gleam, to glow

popular  JLPT N2  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb  intransitive verb 

  • to look at again
  • to re-examine (policy, estimate, plan, etc.), to review
  • to get a better opinion of, to see in a more positive light
  • to improve, to recover (market, illness, etc.)

popular  search-only kanji form  JLPT N2  noun  noun (generic)  dated term 

  • fluorescent lamp, fluorescent light
  • person who is slow to react, someone slow on the uptake

popular  JLPT N2  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to burn, to kindle, to light (a fire), to make (a fire)
  • to heat (a bath), to light (a stove), to stoke (a boiler)
  • to use (a camera flash)

popular  JLPT N2  godan verb  godan verb (archaic)  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to pour, to add (liquid), to serve (drinks)
  • to put on (lipstick, etc.), to apply, to colour, to dye
  • to light (a fire), to burn

popular  JLPT N5  usually written using kana alone  Ichidan verb  verb (generic)  transitive verb 

  • to turn on, to switch on, to light up

popular  search-only kana form  rarely used kanji form  search-only kanji form  JLPT N1  Ichidan verb  verb (generic)  transitive verb  usually written using kana alone 

  • to lick, to lap, to suck
  • to taste
  • to experience (esp. a hardship)
  • to underestimate, to make light of, to look down on (someone), to make a fool of, to treat with contempt, to disparage
  • to lick (at; of flames), to burn
