- usually written using kana alonenounorca (Orcinus orca), killer whale, grampus
- abbreviationnounshachi, mythical carp with the head of a tiger and the body of a fish, considered auspicious protectors of well-being(explanation)
- see also:鯱
- abbreviationnounroof ornament in the shape of a shachi (believed to provide protection against fire by causing rain to fall)
- see also:鯱
- {dierk.} orka, ork, sabeldolfijn, zwaardwalvis, roofwalvis, Orcinus orca, {veroud.} Grampus orca
- Schwertwal, Orca, Killerwal, Mörderwal, Orcinus orca
- Shachi (Fabelwesen mit Tigerkopf und Fischkörper)
- Verzierung auf den Dachfirstenden in Form eines Shachi (bei japan. Burgen)
- gyilkos bálna, kardszárnyú delfin, horkoló, lihegő ember
- 1) (см.) さかまた, 2) (см.) しゃちほこ
- orca (animal)
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Kanji in this word
- さちほこsachihoko
- nounshachihoko, shachi, mythical animal with the head of a tiger and the body of a fish(explanation)
- nounroof ornament in the shape of a shachihoko (believed to provide protection against fire by causing rain to fall)
- Shachi, Shachihoko (Fabelwesen mit Tigerkopf und Fischkörper; soll vor Feuer schützen)
- Verzierung auf den Dachfirstenden in Form eines Shachi (bei japan. Burgen)
- (сказочная рыба, похожая на дельфина)
How to write
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