
popularJLPT N3nounnoun (generic)astronomyslangprefix


Words commonly used in modern Japanese #popular
JLPT N3 words: Intermediate Level #jlpt3
noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n
noun (generic)
All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun
Terms used in the study of the universe and stars, planets and galaxies as well as other things. #astron
Informal words or expressions likely to be interpreted by listeners as implying particular attitudes on the part of the speaker. #sl
prefix #pref



    • duivel, demon, boze geest, kwade geest
      • geest, geestverschijning, spook, fantoom, schim
        • schuldeiser, crediteur
          • iemand die een passie heeft voor iets, iemand die ergens bezeten van is, enthousiast persoon, enthousiasteling, maniak, geobsedeerd persoon
            • monster, demon
              • geest, ziel, genius, {shintoïsme} kami
                • geest der afgestorvene, {Rom.myth.} manen, Manes
                  • {boeddh.} preta
                    • {Chin.astron.} Geest, Guǐ {= één van de achtentwintig maanhuizen}, (a) geest, (b) demon, (c) {boeddh.} preta, (d) monster, gedrocht, (e) superwezen, (f) {Chin.astron.} Guǐ
                      • oni, ogre, démon
                        • esprit d'une personne décédée
                          • personne ogresque (c.-à-d. féroce, implacable, impitoyable, etc.)
                            • loup (dans un jeu de chat perché, cache-cache, etc.)
                              • constellation chinoise du « Lutin » (une des 28 loges lunaires)
                                • très, extrêmement, super-
                                  • Teufel, Dämon, Satan
                                    • böser Geist
                                      • Seele eines Verstorbenen
                                        • Fangermandl, Fänger beim Spielen
                                          • Teufels…, unnachgiebiger, gnadenloser
                                            • gonosz szellem, annak, az, azt, érvényesülési képesség, hunyó, neki, olasz ürmös, olasz vermut, őt
                                                  • 1) чёрт, дьявол (тж. о назойливом кредиторе), 2) дух (умершего), 3) водящий (в играх)
                                                      • ogro (o algún ente de gran maldad), demonio

                                                          How to write

                                                          Not available for this kanji.

                                                          The Japanese Ogre: Oni 鬼

                                                          What do you know about the Japanese mythological creature oni?

                                                          👹 There are so many different kind of monsters in the traditional Japanese folklore. The Japanese ogre or Oni 鬼 is a gigantic ogre like creature with humanoid form but usually having sharp claws, extra fingers or more than two eyes.

                                                          Oni originally were invisible spirits bringing diseases, disasters and other bad things. Eventually those spirits began being represented with the humanoid form we know them nowadays. It’s common to see people dressed as Oni in some Japanese festivals to help to bring good luck.

                                                          Kanji in this word

                                                          Collocations and expressions using 鬼


                                                          Extended information

                                                          • JMDict ID: 1224190
                                                          • JMdictDB entry
                                                          • Short URL:
                                                          • Appears in the "wordfreq" file compiled by Alexandre Girardi (see wordfreq.README) on the first 12.000 words.
                                                          • Appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
                                                          • Frequency-of-use ranking in the wordfreq file: 8

                                                          derogatoryrare termnoun (prefix)noun (generic)archaicnoun


                                                          Words or grammatical forms expressing a low opinion of someone or something. #derog
                                                          rare term
                                                          Words and expressions not occurring very often. #rare
                                                          noun (prefix)
                                                          noun, used as a prefix #n-pref
                                                          noun (generic)
                                                          All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun
                                                          Words or expressions no longer current or that are current only within a few special contexts. #arch
                                                          noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n

                                                          Other forms:



                                                                                How to write

                                                                                Not available for this kanji.

                                                                                Kanji in this word

                                                                                Collocations and expressions using 鬼


                                                                                Extended information