- usually written using kana alone
- Words and expressions which are always written using hiragana or katakana. #uk
- Ichidan verb
- Ichidan verb #v1
- verb (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese verbs #verb
- intransitive verb
- intransitive verb #vi
- slang
- Informal words or expressions likely to be interpreted by listeners as implying particular attitudes on the part of the speaker. #sl
- ヒネるヒネるhineru
- usually written using kana aloneIchidan verbintransitive verbto age, to get old, to go stale
- usually written using kana aloneIchidan verbintransitive verbto be too grown-up (for one's age), to be precocious
- usually written using kana aloneslangIchidan verbintransitive verbto become twisted, to become warped, to become perverse
Verb conjugation
Plain | |
Present | Loading... ヒネるひねるhineru |
Negative | Loading... ヒネないひねないhinenai |
Past | Loading... ヒネたひねたhineta |
Past negative | Loading... ヒネなかったひねなかったhinenakatta |
Te form | Loading... ヒネてひねてhinete |
Tai form | Loading... ヒネたいひねたいhinetai |
Volitional | Loading... ヒネようひねようhineyou |
Imperative | Loading... ヒネろひねろhinero |
Passive | Loading... ヒネられるひねられるhinerareru |
Conditional | Loading... ヒネたらひねたらhinetara |
Provisional conditional | Loading... ヒネればひねればhinereba |
Causative | Loading... ヒネさせるひねさせるhinesaseru |
Potential | Loading... ヒネられるひねられるhinerareru |
Keigo (polite) | |
Present | Loading... ヒネますひねますhinemasu |
Negative | Loading... ヒネませんひねませんhinemasen |
Past | Loading... ヒネましたひねましたhinemashita |
Past negative | Loading... ヒネませんでしたひねませんでしたhinemasendeshita |
Te form | Loading... ヒネましてひねましてhinemashite |
Tai form | Loading... ヒネたいですひねたいですhinetaidesu |
Volitional | Loading... ヒネましょうひねましょうhinemashou |
Imperative | Loading... ヒネてくださいひねてくださいhinetekudasai |
Passive | Loading... ヒネられますひねられますhineraremasu |